
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thrifty Life Thursday #3

Ah, the joy of thrift store treasures! 

I know people who wouldn't EVER go into a thrift store...
and that is totally OK with me.

More good stuff for us, right?  Especially if it costs .87c!

Or even better if it costs .75c, and it is half price day!

Like the two silver plate of which is engraved.

Charm costs I'm all in. Give me a tube of hand sanitizer for the car, and I'm good to go!

Now, for the features from last week's party...sorry I had some technical difficulties. I hope they're fixed now!

"Jar Love" from Linda at Itsy Bits and Pieces...

Linda shows her collection of cool vintage jars, and the items inside literally made me drool like Pavlov's dog.

"Tutorial on Pinterest and Succulents" from Lynn at 
Blue Skies:

Lynn shared a tutorial on planting succulents in a variety of cool vintage containers!

I have a brownish-black thumb, but succulents are tempting...especially when they're potted so creatively.

"Junk Joy" from Distressed Donna Down Home:

This "self-proclaimed rust goddess" has an eye for cool vintage...and she made a terrific haul of cool stuff in this post. That tea bag thingy looks like something from Downton Abbey...

Gathering Guidelines:

This is a gathering for people who enjoy hunting for treasures that have
 lived a former life elsewhere. Please share your pre-owned treasures only. 

Types of Posts to Share:
  • Home decor, furniture, collectibles, garden items and even wearables are welcome. Please, no food items, new pieces from "real" stores, or crafts, unless made with upcycled thrifty finds.
  • Hand-me-downs and curbside finds are welcome, as are items found in thrift stores, garage sales, antique shops, flea markets and other interesting places.
  • Treasures may be listed as you found them, or with your updates, tweaks, and re-purposes; befores and afters are both welcome.
  • Items need not be "vintage" but must be pre-owned.
  • Posts including Etsy and other shop links are welcome! For visitor enjoyment, please link to your blog post, not directly to your Etsy shop. 
  • Please link back, and follow Revisionary Life some way - via Blogger, Pinterest or Facebook or subscribe via email. (I'm not really into Google Plus...sorry.) Links are located in my sidebar on the right.
  • Please visit at least one other party friend. (You'll probably want to visit more!)
  • I'd love for you to comment and introduce yourself if we've never met before. :) Otherwise, don't feel obligated to leave a comment. 
  • Featured items must meet the criteria above. 
  • I will try to email you and let you know if you were featured!
Thank you for visiting and looking or linking. :)

Hebrews 10:24-25

24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.


  1. Hi! I just found your party and linked up! It is my kind of party as I am a vintage junkie! Visiting from Share Your Cup Thursday

  2. OH you found some great goodies, Revi! LOVE the majolica dish! Thanks for the feature!! Thanks for hosting!

  3. Treasures certainly become extra-special when they are dirt cheap! Love the engraved piece. Thank you for the feature. How did you know I travel all the way to the Abbey for the tea strainer?

  4. You found some great deals, Revi! Thanks for hosting again!

  5. I love the pretties you found! It's so much fun to find treasures and pay almost nothing for them. :o)

    Thanks for the invite to join the party and for hosting, Revi! I am now following you and hope you will follow me back.
