
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Still Loving Whites

Two years ago, when I first began blogging, I was drawn like a moth to a flame to the mostly-white, light neutral, drop-clothed, tarnished metal environments I saw. After years of intense color, it felt like a big, deep breath of cool, fresh air. 

All around me, I see people adding color back into their formerly pristine white homes, some in tiny amounts and some very boldly. 

As I began painting my reds, greens, blacks and yellows in shades of white and gray, I told myself I could always do the same if I craved intense color again. 

I'm not there yet. 

Two years, gallons of white and pale, neutral mis-tint paints later, I still love the look - without even the faintest hint of color. 

I may be running with abandon toward a look that some would consider "tired, over-done, passe." Do I care what some designer a thousand miles from me might say about my home? Not one whit. 

All that matters is the way I feel when I walk through the door. (This is a DEFINITE perk of growing older.)

I like waking up on Saturday morning, tuning in to Air1 radio and lighting some scented candles while I sweep, mop, clean the fridge or do other boring chores. I like rearranging things and creating new vignettes with my thrift store, white-painted objects. It is an act of love.

My home (at least the finished part) feels calm, serene, restful. I don't find it bland, vanilla or boring at all. In fact, vanilla is a favorite of mine. 

Sure, sometimes I want a little hot fudge, nuts and whipped cream, or maybe a brownie with my vanilla. (Hey - they're neutral, too!) I'll eat the cherry, if there is one, but I don't miss it if it is not there.

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE color. Color is kind of my "thing." I do it well, though you may not know that. People ask me what goes with what, and I know the answer. 

I've studied color theory and design. I know all about the physics of color and the perception of color. I ADORE color! I would NEVER want a world without color! 

I admire the hot pinks, navy, turquoise and greens in other homes, and I'm so very glad they are all out there for my visual stimulation! 

But for now, for MY home, I'm sticking to my whites. I'm not about to polish the silver or brass. I still like rust. Texture is my friend.

Next year, I could change my mind. If that happens, I'll go into my garage and dig around for some of the colorful things I packed away, buy more paint, and add some color back into the mix. As a matter of fact, I just added some aqua into my middle bedroom today. We'll see how that goes...

The den will still have reds and greens. The art room may have color...we'll see. But for the living room, dining room, bathroom and kitchen, it's neutral all the way, baby. Plans for the front bedroom are following suit, except for more contrast with browns and blacks mixed in. 

Trust me, you'll be the first to know when I'm ready for color again. Until then, Hannah and Ethan and Mason's homes will have color, so I can embrace color with all the love of a "grandparent!" I can go to their homes and even help them decorate and paint in cheerful color. Then I can leave and return to my subdued home, happy for both experiences.

I am still progressing on my middle bedroom, but in spite of temperatures in the mid 90s, we have been overcast, so I have not been able to get photos. 

Thanks for hanging in there with me!

Word for the Day:
Daniel 12:10
Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.

Possibly Linking With


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Silver Pennies Sundays

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Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday
Give Me the Goods Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspiration Exchange Linky Party

Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
What We Accomplished Wednesday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Be Inspired

Feathered Nest Friday
Frugal Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
What’s Shakin’ Link Party


Party Junk
Get Schooled Saturday


  1. I'm with you! I really like white, too (and gray and neutral). Just recently....I almost switched to dark navy! Yikes!

    Happy day!

  2. Great Ideas. New Follower here, hoping you'll follow back :)

  3. hang on to the's your home. I am with you...I might not be "in" with the cool colors or styles...but who cares what other people think what cool should be, or when you should change it. They don't live here :)

  4. ditto:) i'm not sure i can do color anymore and it's ok with me:)

  5. What a great philosophy, and I totally agree! Do what you're most comfortable with in your home instead of following the trends! My decor is always a little 'offbeat' but as long as I'm happy with it, that's all that matters! :)
    Your home looks gorgeous, btw!

  6. I totally agree with you, love my whites and grey's.

  7. It is beautiful as is - worthy of a magazine spread. If U love it, that is all that matters in the universe! I think it takes talent for an all neutral color space pulled together that well! Mary, Dallas TX

  8. Your white and cream decorating is pretty soft and calm. It's always important to decorate the way you like. I'm a bit all over the charts with my decorating. That big chest in your room is the closest looking one to one we have in the family. My mom brought it home back in the 60's. It has the same rounded pieces along the edges and is similary designed. I like the tray with the candle holders on it the box and books.

  9. Absolutely my sentiments exactly! I could have written this post. Beautiful pictures. White is in my home to stay!

  10. I'm your newest follower by the way!
    Amber @junkaholicsunanimous

  11. Revi,
    I love your peaceful calming place. I especially love what you said "All that matters is the way I feel when I walk through the door". Yes!! I just want a restful place. I love color, but I recently painted my living room as soft blue and I'm really like it.
    Thanks for the mixing paint tips.
    Clara from Redeemed Junk and Stuff

  12. I agree with you! I love whites, grays and tans and I like to accent with colors. I'm in the process of restoring our new home and the walls are going to be neutral. Thanks for sharing at Silver Pennies Sundays. x

  13. Hello :))
    You have a beautiful blog ♥ I love white interior to and pastel colors.Light blue is my favorite ;)
    Thanks for your word form Daniel ♥

    Hugs and smile from Norway

    Bente ♥

  14. It's the best it has ever looked (this space). I think your look opens your room up, brings in light and cohesiveness, and gives otherwise ordinary objects a "modern vintage" and chic look.

    So you go girl, keep going with the white and tarnished neutral theme...I think you do it well! Poo-poo to what anybody says, I agree. I know too many "millionaires" who's expensive decor is just plain lifeless, boring or predictable.


  15. Revi your home is beautiful! I am just now transitioning to a more neutral pallet and I am loving it. Thanx for joining THT and let me know if you ever are interested in joining my "How I Found My Style" series. I would love to add ya to the line up!

  16. Stick with what you like and what makes you comfortable in your own home/sanctuary! I think you've got plenty of "color" in your "neutral" rooms, it just takes a certain kind of eye to see it. I'm not trained, but the myriad shadings and nuances of texture, light, metals and wood have TONS of color and are soothing but sophisticated at the same time. My house is a mish-mash. I surround myself with things I find beautiful, and I tend to keep them in place for a long long time. I love blogging, and I love reading other people's blogs about what they're doing in their decorating lives, but really, at the end of the day, I don't let my decor or the latest trends control what I'm doing in my sanctuary. I don't have the money or the time to constantly change things up. Thank goodness!

  17. Revi, I love your whites also. I tried to do it, but I guess I'm not there yet. Still need color. I started out with neutrals for my craft room, but then I had pops of mustard, red, and aqua. lol! This girl just doesn't know how. I love all the blogs that are all white, but like I say, I failed miserably. Love the gathering of numbers in the first pic. Will be filling a bowl (mustard colored of course) with a few tidbits. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
