
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Appropriate Measures

What I measured today:
  • things crossed off a "to-do" list
  • things I still need to do
  • the number of views of a blog-post
  • the number of tenths of a pound lost or gained
  • the number of hours before I could leave my day job

I even measure things that haven't happened yet.
  • How many hours I will be able to devote to projects
  • How many projects I will complete
  • How many photos can I take?
  • How many Etsy items should I list this weekend?
  • How many days before my insurance check is deposited?
  • How many roofers should I call?

Sometimes I try to measure intangible things.

  • How many days should I wait before calling again?
  • How much of my dinner should I eat, and how much should I put in a doggie bag?
  • How much time should I allow to prepare a speech?
  • How long should it be? How many discussion questions?

Try as I may to live in the moment, the need to measure and quantify things persists. I have always been a list maker.
And as many lists as I make and prioritize, somehow they never seem to work out perfectly. There are things left undone. 

And I suppose that's not a bad thing. Having no "to-do" list is something I would not like - at least for an extended period. I'd have to make a new get some new "to-do's."

But I will try not to obsess. I will try to achieve balance. My life is more than projects and white paint. Things will get done when they get done. I will clean my house. I will blog. I will rest. I will have dinner with friends, drink coffee with my aunt, and watch something on Netflix. And if while I watch Netflix, I happen to be painting the 7th small item of the evening, so be it. 

Progress is being made...inch by inch, and tenth of a pound by tenth of a pound, and small project by small project.

Word for the Day
Job 38:4-5
“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
    Tell me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements—surely you know!
    Or who stretched the line upon it?

Possibly Linking with:


Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday


Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday


Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday


Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday


Feathered Nest Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend


Saturday Nite Special


  1. i hope your scales look better than mine do right now:) hope you are having a great weekend, revi!

  2. Revi, I like your writing style! Many of the things you measure are the same things I find myself measuring in my head. The old measuring rule is so effective interspersed with your commentary. Wonderful photography! And the Job quote is a perfect closing for this article...

    I am your newest follower.


    P.S. I blog from Texas, also.

  3. Oh the never ending lists... but I'm the same as you. I'd go crazy if I didn't have one. Thanks for sharing! Stop by my Friday's Five Features and link up this post (and others)!

  4. My dad always used one. Wish I had his. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, marty

  5. Hello, Revi -

    First of all, love your measuring stick - so cool!

    Did you know I used to be an accountant? And later a financial analyst? Yes, worked in those fields for a total of 10 years. I counted, measured, numbered, etc :)

    All progress is good! Congratulations, and keep working at your own pace.

    Enjoy this last week of August! And have a wonderful Labor Day ahead!!


  6. Hi Revi!
    "I missed you" she said when she hasn't posted on her blog in so long she's feeling guilty...
    I love your posts. I constantly measure things, myself, others, all the things that I shouldn't. I always have a TO DO list and made my daughters laugh out loud once when I lost my list and proclaimed loudly "I can't go to the store now! I lost my list!" I think that is point when I should have tried to let go a bit.
    Having coffee with your Aunt sounds lovely. I wish you were at the beach here with me we could have a cup of coffee and make a list of projects to do :)
    Take care!

  7. I love this post! It is so ME. I use to do lists and those same kinds of measurements go through my mind too! I even have a vintage wooden folding yardstick! Visiting from Nifty Thrifty Tuesday and following you via GFC, Pinterest and Hometalk!

  8. Beautiful post! Love the ruler and the photos!!

  9. This is a great post and love the measuring stick nice addition! Would love it if you came by shared it at

  10. You made me realize that I measure also.

    Before retirement 83 days ago ( I had to count back because I no longer measure that) I had Countdown on my phone and iPad for how many days to retirement. I don't have anything on Countdown presently.

    I ALWAYS measure my productivity, but have yet to create an inventory for the Etsy shop I said I wanted to open.

    You have inspired me to get busy creating for a shop and so I will measure that productivity for the month of September.

  11. Revi,

    Bless you for putting into words what I do everyday. It is lovely to know I'm not the only one counting all those things/events.


  12. Cute post Revi. Just want you to know that you 'measure' up girl! I have one of those folding rulers and I love it. Also picked one up today from my sis for a vintage sale this weekend. I do not write down a 'to do' list, but definitely have a mental one going on all the time. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
