
Thursday, July 18, 2013

True or False Living Room Re-Arranging

True or False: The camera never lies. (False. We know it adds 10 lbs., right?) 

I'm having a VERY HARD time trying to get decent photos from my newish bargain camera - the one I found after losing the Nikon Coolpix I loved so much. But still, it shows me some things via the slightly blurry photos that my naked eye doesn't see at first. 

For Instance, this corner of my living room. I had a little vignette going that I thought looked good: It had elements of elegant, industrial, cottage and I'd tossed in some mid-century modern to go with the collection of vases on the mantel on the other side of the room.

In photos...yuck. It was too busy. 

I do that - I'm sort of like nature... I abhor an empty space and rush to fill it. I WANT to like airy, minimal environments, but I can't do them. I like stuff too much. Cheap stuff. Painted cheap stuff. Or free stuff. That's good, too.

So, I deleted a small rustic bench behind the mod chair, and stuck the painted topiary on the little crate. Now I think it needs something above it...that wall just looks so...vacuum-like. It doesn't matter that there are TWO gallery walls in the same room. And a mantel and shelves with lots of stuff on them. Try as I might to give the eye a place to rest, I just can't. But I wouldn't have known I needed more art until I took a photo. 

Instead of more art, I may hang something - maybe a rusty iron candle thingy I found earlier this year at Jack & Greg's. I've been looking for a place for it! Hmmm. 

And the painting above the mod chair really needs to be centered on the wall, moved a few inches to the right. I had placed it there because it fit over the little bench behind the chair. It's not working well where it is, so I will move it.

All the years before blogging, I could have had a MUCH nicer home if I had just photographed it. I wonder how many of you have discovered that? Am I the last to know?

It makes me wonder what else in my life I might need to photograph...

Word for the Day:
Proverbs 15:3
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.

Possibly Linking With


Sunday Show-off Link Party
Sunday Showcase Party

Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspiration Exchange Linky Party

Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Cottage Style Party
What We Accomplished Wednesday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Frugal Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
What’s Shakin’ Link Party

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday


  1. live and learn, right? I love your home...before and after pictures

  2. I am like this... I think something looks fine in my home...snap a picture of it.BOOM! in your face AND ALL OUT OF SORTS. I have been reading Claudia@ Mockingbirdhill Cottage...and she has done a couple of posts titled "AS IS". I love it. However, I'm not brave enough to post 'as is' photos...well, I have. But that is when I have something else coming along to make improvements.
    So... I'm curious. Are you asking for suggestions? or just some type of feed back?
    That is another thing I'm afraid of...opening myself up to 'knit picking'.
    I don't think I could add anything decor-wise...except to inquire. Isn't this area a pass-thru area? With your entry door right there?
    I would think... a big anchor piece would go there. But my entry is full of little pieces too.
    I think my entry is cluttered.
    See...I'm wishy-washy and no help.
    Your home is beautiful I like the calm color palette.

  3. I always find that no matter how clean/tidy I think a room is, once I take a picture of it the unseen clutter or dust leaps out and whacks me in the eye :)

  4. First of all, I love that mid-century chair! Did you paint the seat like you painted the sofa? Second, yes, I too notice that taking pictures helps me see things I may not notice otherwise. Even when I take a picture of a pile of junk, it's later when I look at the picture that I see what was actually in there. I find it also helps to take pictures if you want to see what you really look like in an outfit too. The mirror doesn't always tell what a picture will. I think because your eye can better see the whole effect than it does in person. In person, you zero in on parts. That's theory anyway!

  5. Haha! I agree with you 100%! Whenever I am in doubt about how a room looks, I photograph it and boy do I find out quick! Unfortunately, this also works when I have on an outfit I think looks fabulous...then I see a photo of me in it and oh boy, bad news! ;)

  6. I think it's like that with out fits too. Take a photo of your self and then see if it's really good on you:) Love your furniture. Check your ISO or your focus meter.

  7. I don't know, sometimes I think my house looks BETTER in photos. Can't see the dog hair and cheeto smudges! LOL

  8. Revi, I like the simplistic style, but I can't do it. I think sometimes I have too much. But then I go to someone.s house or see a blog that has more and I love it too. What's a girl to do? Thanks for sharing with SYC.
