
Saturday, June 29, 2013

What Would YOU Do? - Chalk Boards, Transitions and Stuff

I know I have blogged about this before...and some of you have commented similar observations.

We've agreed that sometimes things come to us in groups - you know - they say things happen in threes. 

While I'm still waiting for a third, I did find two of these chalk board things in the same week. They were a good price, so I bought them, without a clue as to how I might use them. 

I don't have a clue even IF I will use them. They may end up in a garage sale, since I'm planning one in the near future. 

 I thought they were charming, and that they might be useful or decorative. Still, I can't keep everything - even if something has a lovely pale, dusty aqua alphabet on it.

Or if it has an even cuter storie still inside it.

They would cost too much to ship, I think. And I'm not sure how much I could charge for a vintage toy chalk board that could be hung on the wall, or used as a lap board - even if it has storage inside. I did find one on Etsy, already sold, but that was encouraging...

What do you think? Would you list them on Etsy? Or shall I put them in the garage sale?

Today, Hannah and I are sorting through her old room/my future guest room and headed to the garage so she can let me know what junk she wants. We're preparing for that garage sale. It's not fun, but better with Hannah helping.
It will be good to get it done.

Mason will be moving next week! He and Ky are moving to live with Ethan, a couple of hours away from me. I guess I can finish that living room, now, with no dog to blame for my procrastination. I'll love the lack of dog hair and dust, but I'll miss that sweet girl meeting me at the door, happy to see me whether I've been gone all day or for an hour.

There's lots of work to do, and I can see the handwriting on the wall...or maybe the chalkboard!

Word for the Day:
Daniel 5:5
Immediately the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall of the king's palace, opposite the lampstand. And the king saw the hand as it wrote. 

Linking With


Thrifty Treasures

Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday

Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend

Saturday Nite Special


  1. Cute boards but you have me stumped on the price I would think in the $20's. You know how that is if someone wants it bad enough it is always more valuable to them. I can see some little boy having so much fun with his truck. Good luck on your garage sale. Kathy

  2. Ahhhhhh! Those vintage chalkboards are a nice throwback to the good old days. They are indeed charming. I would list them on Etsy!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. i'd list them, revi. if they don't sell by the time you have the garage sale, stick them in that:)

  4. Super cute blackboards! If you can't find similar ones on Etsy, maybe check Ebay. You should list them!

  5. I think I would try to sell the chalkboards on etsy, first and then get ready for the yard sale. If they haven't sold on etsy, you can unlist and try them in the yard sale. Good idea????
    Glad Hannah is there to help!

  6. I notice the same thing and sometimes when I find one of something that I need more of, I'll find the remainder within a short time. I love that. Your chalkboards are a stellar find. I think you should at least try to sell them on Etsy because it doesn't seem garage salers will pay much. I hope your customers are better at opening their wallets than ours were.

  7. I think you should list them. You should get more than you would at a garage sale. Have you had your sale yet?

  8. That's a tough probably get more money for them on Etsy; but the garage sale would be a quick sale. They are very charming! :)

  9. They are just too sweet! I'm sure someone would snap them up right away.
    I can't wait to see all the big room changes, I know it's going to be gorgeous!
    Have a happy 4th of July!

  10. I really like the blue board. Pop it into a new frame and doll her up!

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