
Monday, March 11, 2013

Goals, Accomplishments and Wheat Grass


1. Research how to care for succulents. DONE.

2. Grow wheat grass. DONE - waiting for it to do its thing.
3. Go through winter clothing. Pack away fall/heavy winter clothing items and pull out items for garage sale. WORK IN PROGRESS.
4. 3 blog posts. DONE.
5. Finish styling spring mantel and shelves. Photograph. DONE.
6. Move bench to den DONE and table to guest room. NOT DONE.
7. List 5 new Etsy items. (3 sales since Friday! YEAH!) DONE

Now, about that wheat grass...

Remember this pretty planter I found for a few bucks in a thrift store a while back?

It still contained some ratty moss - all dirty and faded. 

Underneath the moss was a couple of styrofoam blocks.

They were glued down tightly. I was afraid to pry too hard, so what did I do to get them out? 

I stuck it in the oven at 225 degrees for a bit. It worked like a charm. 

Next, I filled it with a bag of potting soil from Dollar Tree, then spread out my soaked wheat berries, according to the directions I found on Pinterest. 

Now, I only have to wait for the grass to grow.  

This Week's Goals:

1. Continue sorting clothing for garage sale and pack away keepers for fall/winter.
2. Move table to guest room.
3. Photograph Dining Room changes.
4. Re-pot ivy, pot succulents. Look on Pinterest for ideas.
5. 5 new Etsy listings.
6. Finish changing & styling the living room.
7. Eat low-carb. No cheating.

Word for the Day:
Philippians 3:14
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.


  1. I really need to set goals for the month....

  2. Revi,
    You did great on your goals and accomplishments! WTG!!
    I told you I should write mine down so that I might just get around to doing them. Seems like there are always more to do than time. I've done that in the past, with a little check sheet and felt so accomplished ever time I made the little check mark by the item. I really should start that again.
    Have a grand week!

  3. Cute planter. I almost got a very similar one at Goodwill the other day but they wanted too much. I'm very impressed by your continuing goal setting and attaining. Keep up the good work!

  4. Hi Revi,
    Your goal list reminds me of my to do lists when I was younger. I simply had so much to do, if I didn't have lists to check off, I would forget something. Now that I am older, I seldom make a list. I just do what I want to, and leave the rest for another day. I figure 'what is the rush.' Time flies by so fast.
    Blessings, Trisha
