
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Goals, Accomplishments and White Things

So far, there seems to be a pattern developing here.

Sunday = Photos of future listings for Etsy, thrifty finds I'll keep, along with goals and weekly accomplishments.

If you don't mind, I'll stick with that format for a bit.

This Week's Goals:
1. Finish & file income taxes.
2. Continue to improve eating - goal: Paleo-type diet.
3. Finish paperwork for hospice volunteering.
4. List 10 new Etsy items. 
5. 3 posts - subject matter to be determined.
6. FINISH packing away Christmas decor in garage.
7. Saturday - Begin painting guest room.

Last Week's Goals:
1. FINISH putting all the Christmas stuff in the garage. Worked Monday night and Tuesday night for a while. Still not finished. No, I don't have that much Christmas stuff, I'm just procrastinating.
2. 3 blog posts - 1 tutorial, 1 furniture. 

Sunday goals post, Etsy Listings, Etsy Tutorial.No furniture post. On the other hand, I did finish painting the batch of small items from last week's list!
3. Begin yearly tax prep. 

Still waiting for necessary docs to arrive.
4. Research tripods.
Now, how do I use a monopod? Questions beget questions.
5. List 12 new things on Etsy.
6. Begin a 5-day veggie, fruit, meat eating plan. Log it.
Semi-successful on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday. Down a pound. Overall, cutting portions, eating healthier, but enjoyed a child's burger meal on Thursday and split a burger and fries with Julie on Friday night. Sometimes I have a mad craving for a good burger. The child's burger just didn't satisfy it. Friday's burger was just the ticket and just the right portion. We decided to do that more often.
7. Exercise 15 minutes per day. Again - FAIL. Aaaaarrrgh. 
I need a better plan and some motivation! More energy after work would be great, too. Any ideas?

Word for the Day:
Proverbs 15:22
Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.

Possibly Linking With


Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Sunday Show-off Link Party
Thrifty Treasures

Metamorphosis Monday
Revival Monday
Masterpiece Monday
The More the Merrier Monday
Manic Monday
Just a party with my peeps!
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!
All Star Block Party
Be Inspired

Blissfully White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Restored it Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday


Under $100 Link Party
Transformation Thursday

Thursday Open House Party
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Inspiration Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Free For All Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Fabulously Creative Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Delicately Constructed Friday
Flaunt it Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. the lists are really getting a lot done--wtg, revi! sweet finds today--motivation to exercise....what's that? haha:)

  2. Fun to see the Pfaltzgraff. I have a set of that up in my cabinet. I got it when I got married. Can't think of the name of the pattern offhand. What is the item in the final picture? Looks cool. I think the secret to after work energy can only be finding something you really want to do and/or with someone you really enjoy being with. Exercise for exercise sake rarely seems to hold staying power for many people. Maybe the goal needs to be called something else that sounds more fun. I believe in such mind/word games... :)

  3. Hi Revi-
    I love the format of reading about your plans/goals. It is so interesting and inspiring.

    I am sending you an email-

    White Spray Paint

  4. Love your new finds! Oh I still have to organize my Christmas things too.Right now I have a pile in my basement LOL!

  5. You are really getting organized, and how many hours are in your day?! Wow.
    You inspire.
