
Friday, December 28, 2012

Little White (Free) Bench Revision

It is officially official. This is now my new most favorite piece of furniture!

You've already seen this little bench in my last postbut I wanted to show a little more detail.

But wait...let me start at the beginning:

This sweet, solid, adorable two-seater bench WITH storage under the rush seat, was headed for the dumpster. NO JOKE. It was a freebie.

It was one of a number of items I asked for when our church storage building was recently cleared out. Apparently, we get lots of donations of stuff, and it was time for a major clean out.

Now, while feeling extremely blessed, I can also feel good about saving this beautiful gift! (I'm sure someone would have snagged it. I'm just glad it was ME!)

See the amazing storage? I LOVE that. All furniture should be made with hidden storage. It should be a rule or something.

This bench was used inside the church for years. As you can see, it needed a little TLC. PERFECT! Plus, I love having furniture that has been used in a church!

I wanted to buy a new can of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint,but it just didn't happen. I have to drive an hour round trip to get it, and it was just a few days before my daughter came home for Christmas break, so I was on a tight timeline (as well as budget) in order to get my dining room finished. I still needed to paint a few small furniture items, including this. 

On hand - a gallon of flat white paint from Walmart, and a container of plaster of paris. So I mixed my own recipe of homemade chalk paint.

I also painted the $5 French Chair with the real thing, with the two projects going on concurrently.

It made for a nice comparison - and I've gotta say, Annie Sloan wins over the homemade stuff.

(If you want more detailed info about my experiences using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, you can visit my two top most visited posts HERE and HERE.)

Bottom line, if you're in a pinch, and/or money's tight, the Plaster of Paris recipe worked pretty well.

The two main differences were:
Coverage - ASCP covers better.
Ease of distressing - ASCP sands easier.

All in all, I'm happy. I got the look I wanted without leaving home or spending a dime. It took two full coats instead of one and a touch up and had to use more muscle sanding.

You know how it goes. One new thing calls for changes.
My front two rooms had both changed considerably since Thanksgiving!

I really like the changes, and It was great to see my daughter's reaction when she walked through the door.

Word for the Day:
Ephesians 2:8-10
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

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  1. In a dumpster?!? No wayyyy!
    It is beautifulllll!
    Glad it's got a loving home now! :)

  2. I LOVE free! What a beautiful transformation too!

  3. you did amazing! usual :) both came out pretty nice

  4. I love the church bench. I'd like a pew. You turned that ugly old brown thing into a beauty. You're like a fairy godmother...

  5. I love it~!
    I've never ever use ASCP...and have only had the experience of using DIY, I'm pleased with how it works. :)
    Glad you were able to do a side by side (literally) comparison and tell us about it, I appreciate that in the blogs I read.
    now...onto the- every- piece -of -furniture- should- have- storage -as- a- rule -statement...AMEN,SISTER!
    I'm with you on that one.
    Love how your entry looks and both the chair and the bench look great.
    ps~ happy new year friend!

  6. Oh, the power of paint! I love to see an old piece brought to life.

    Beautiful job.

  7. I'm also on board with the furniture-should-have-storage rule.
    Rescued furniture is so much fun and I love your bench!
    Found you through the link on Redoux Interiors. My link on that page, Flower Power table, was also headed to the dumpster. Alas, it has no storage possibilities, but now that I think about it, I have a little basket that might turn up in matching colors.

  8. I completely agree about how all furniture should have storage!! I love this bench and you are so lucky that you got it for free! Great find. I am so glad I found your blog.. I am your newest follower! I would love if you would check out mine!

