
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Metal Urges and A Cute Story

Gimme a "P"!!!

Gimme a "TREE"!!!

Gimme a "...uh...thingy"!!!

I think it goes on a ceiling light fixture.
I paid .75c for it, and plan 
to use it as a lamp spider
on an industrial lamp.

Oh - I couldn't pass up these, either:

Bicycle gears. Cool, huh?

They just REEK of industrial.

I'm SO going to use them in some
paintings on canvas! Can't wait to try it.

The P is probably from an old storm door.
Remember those monogrammed aluminum ones?
What do you think?

I plan to paint it and put it on Etsy.

The tree is REALLY heavy. I don't have a clue
where it will end up - maybe Mason's house...
whenever he finds one. Soon, maybe.

It could be manly art, right?
After all, we'll need a STUD to hang it.
Well, make that two, if Mason helps.

He's not really into home decor.
But his mother is...and she has been
stashing away some pretty cool 
things in anticipation of his big move.

So far, there are some lamps and shades,
a dining table and 4 chairs,
some bedding,
a side table or two,
some manly objets d'art,
wall art for sure, and more stuff
I can't think of at the moment.

I'm kind of excited about helping
Mason make his house look nice.
He's one of those rare people who
sees right to the crux of the matter.
He says things that are funny 
simply because HE says them.
He doesn't MEAN to be funny, 
but he is really smart-funny.

Anyway, a couple of years ago,
He and Ethan lived together in an
apartment. For Christmas, Hannah and
I went all out and bought things to 
outfit their kitchen so they could
cook to help with their budget.

After opening the gifts, Mason said, 
"Thanks." It was really nice, since I KNOW
kitchen items are not really gifts
that would make him excited. So I said,
"We made sure the items were all
masculine - black, khaki, stainless, etc."

He replied, "Yeah - the only thing that
is NOT masculine is that we HAVE everything!"

I wonder how many young single
men out there really appreciate
a nice black spatula?

Word for the Day:
Ezekiel 1:4
The Glory of the LORD ] 
As I looked, behold, a stormy wind 
came out of the north, 
and a great cloud, 
with brightness around it, 
and fire flashing forth continually, 
and in the midst of the fire, 
as it were gleaming metal.

Linking With


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Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!

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  1. I wonder how many young single
    men out there really appreciate
    a nice black spatula?
    Answer: Only a man that was using a pink one that his girlfriend left behind! LOL
    I loved putting things together for my sons, too. He'll be able to have you over for Sunday dinner now. ;)
    You have quite a cool collection of metal thingies now- this art project will be very cool.
    xo, Tina

  2. Oh how I love those industrial bicycle gears and the P is just waiting for Pam or Paula to come along. Fun goodies!!

  3. You and I are on parallel paths...I'm collecting ideas for my youngest sons place. He and his girlfriends tastes...clash.
    He is more East Texas--industrial modern minimal...she is West Texas--John Deere, Camo, Red neck chick all the way!'s a work in progress.
    Love the gears... and that "P"...could be waiting for Pat to come along!

    ~ see ya! Pat

  4. Love that P and the other industrial goodies! Don't you love having a reason to collect all that cool stuff. I wish my son hadn't moved so I could be doing that for him. I started to when he was here, but then he changed plans. It's kinda fun to work on a guy's place because you can use things the girls might turn their noses up at.

  5. I can't wait to see what you do with the bicycle gears!!!!!...and the uh, thingy :)

  6. This is like a hope chest except for a son. Wonder what you would call this? Do girls still have hope chests? My tastes have certainly changed in the forty years since I had one. Instead of the silky lingerie and the percale sheet sets, I would have all rusty, crusty things and would probably have those neat-o bicycle gears!

  7. You're so nice :) I like that "P". Thank you so much for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend!
