
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Frugal Finds for Mid November

I've officially cut back on my
thrift store shopping.

Until my ETSY SHOP sells more
or the something else happens
that allows me to place cool things
into other people's homes,
mine is filled to capacity and beyond.

But in my last official outing,
which was pre-planned with a 
couple of my favorite people, 
I did find a few things that were
just too great to leave in the store.

Case in point - two footed soup bowls
from Crate&Barrel. Tags still on them.

I looked them up online and they're just under $4.
I love the look and the size of them. :)

In addition to soup, I may use them for nuts 
or condiments at a holiday gathering!

And we don't even have a C&B here. 

I found another metal stand for an orb. 

I'm not sure what it is, but this orb thing
is still a recurring theme in my life!
I found this one for .87c!

I think it's for a topiary, 
but it could be a cool hanging lamp,
or just a piece of sculpture. 
I used it outside in place of one of
my aging faux white pumpkins. 
I quickly stuck that thing in the 
garbage bag while I still could. 
(It was getting soft. Yuck.)

I love the look of it as is. What a great find!

This is pretty cool as-is, too:

A nice handmade wall shelf...

painted a lovely gray with a hint of green,

and I love the skirt it's wearing. I've not seen shelves with 
this detail before. And it's solid wood, with a sticker from
the person who made it on back. I think a little light
sanding and maybe a coat of clear wax will be all it needs.
There are a few scuffs, but nothing bad. 

It has one of those routed slots for plates or whatever. 

Best of all, it was less than $3! Love that.

Last but not least, this little angel will get 
the French Linen wash treatment.
I haven't decided whether to keep or list on Etsy...

This may be my last communications with you 
until after Thanksgiving! I've got so much to do
...and I know you do, as well. 

I'll be thinking of you, though. 
Of that you can be sure!

May this Thanksgiving be filled with
love, family, friends, good food, 
sweet traditions and memories, and
the knowledge that you are never alone.

Word for the Day:

Revelation 7:11-12

11 All the angels stood around the throne, 
the elders, and the four living creatures. 
Then they threw themselves face downward 
in front of the throne and worshiped God, 
12 saying, “Amen! Praise, glory, wisdom, 
thanksgiving, honor, power, and might 
belong to our God forever and ever! Amen!”

Linking With


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Sunday Show-off Link Party

Metamorphosis Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!

Blissfully White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed

Under $100 Link Party
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Doin’ It Yourself

Feathered Nest Friday
Potpourri Friday
Frugal Friday
Inspiration Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Frugalicious Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday


  1. Dear Revi ~
    Great finds! I like the pair of white C&B footed bowls. They would be good for nuts. Thanks for your friendship this year. Have a wonderful and warm Thanksgiving.

  2. I really like the round metal thing...I think it would make a super cool hanging lamp! you could even wrap white Christmas lights on it.

  3. Oh wow! I totally know what you mean about home being "filled to capacity and beyond"

    I've got to get some things moving or else!
    Part of it is...the disheveled rooms. I've got to get organized and get 'redecorated' in some of my rooms! That would clear up lots of space if I got some things back on the walls!
    It takes some time for sure.

    I love the ORB! Would make a great chady. I saw something that would be so cool for that thing at Elsie Mae on Market...they used a bottle dryer rack and clear punch bowl cups tied to it and rigged it up to a light in the ceiling! it was gorgeous.
    I need to find the picture and send it to you !

    Take care... Pat
    oh...Happy Thankgiving Revi!
