
Monday, October 29, 2012

Three Dollar Thrifty Scores

It is official.
I am slacking off on my trips to
thrift stores...until I can find a
better outlet for my finds.

So last week, I only spent $3.
The way things work at Jack & Greg's
shop, I find what I want and take
it to the register. They quote me 
one price for all. It's usually a great
price, so I leave with everything.

I bought the bin of wood shapes,
bins included - even though I told him
to keep them. He insisted I take them.

I want to use them as components
to make some of these:

See how to make them 
using this great tutorial 
courtesy of Lacy over at

I still have to find a few larger pieces...

Included in the $3 were these.
If you aren't sure what they are...
take a second look:

They're sort of like gold mercury glass...
I may give them a spritz or two 
of Krylon Looking Glass and use 
them during the Holidays with these
pieces I did last year:

They were a similar amber color.
Looking Glass gave them more depth,
and took a bit of the amber away.

I don't mind a bit of amber, 
since I have natural wood and baskets,
camel upholstery on an iron bench, etc.

These might work in the iron candlesticks I 
found recently for the mantel. As for now,
they serve as pedestals for faux greenery.

And last but not least, is this single,
carved candlestick. I have some boxes
with a similar motif carved on them.

Who may end up as
part of one of those finials! 
So now, I have to dig through 
boxes of things to see
if I have enough components...

I'll be sure to show you 
when I finish some!

Word for the Day:
2 Timothy 2:20
Now in a great house
 there are not only vessels of 
gold and silver but also 
of wood and clay, 
some for honorable use, 
some for dishonorable.

Possibly Linking With:


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday

Metamorphosis Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!

Blissfully White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed

Under $100 Link Party
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Doin’ It Yourself

Feathered Nest Friday
Potpourri Friday
Frugal Friday
Inspiration Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Frugalicious Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday


  1. I can't wait to see how the wood shapes turn into those finials. So much fun to be had turning cast offs into treasure. That glass is amazing too. I bet you'll have some gorgeous Christmas decorations as Christmas nears!

  2. love the color of those amber glasses, but I laso love the color of the ones you used with the krylon looking glass!!

  3. Great items Revi! Looking forward to seeing your finials.

  4. It's always fun to find little bits to create with! Looking forward to seeing what you do with them! Thanks so much for stopping by my paper towel bar post!

  5. Loving the ideas you have for all these shapes. I also read the post about the key display - very creative.

  6. Thank you so much for linking this up to Rustic Restorations Weekend!
