
Monday, September 3, 2012

One Quart of Annie Sloan Old White Painted All This:

As promised, I have photographed and
documented everything I have painted with
my one-quart container of 
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint
Old White. 

For more info about my personal experience
with ASCP, why it is worth over $40 per quart, visit HERE and answers to questions in the comments 
from that post, visit HERE.

All items were painted on all sides, 
except for the very last piece - a basket. 
It was painted on the outside only 
because I ran out of paint.

                                                                (highlights only)




(only the borders on "apples" and "fresh eggs" signs)












(Note: several photos were somehow lost. There were about 10 more small pieces than shown above.)                                                                         
One Quart of ASCP OLD WHITE painted:
3 small furniture pieces (1 chair, 2 tables)
8 picture frames of various sizes
1 large and 1 medium basket
7 flower pots/baskets - large to small
1 lg.wall plaque
1 medium alphabet letter
1 medium-large chalkboard frame
1 medium wooden bowl
2 wooden plates
2 wooden saucers
7 candlesticks
2 medium trays
1 medium shadow box
1 6-jar compartment tray
1 small free-standing shelf/cupboard
5 small lidded boxes
2 small wall shelves
1 medium corner shelf
11 small Christmas ornaments & decorations
3 signs

The last few items, including the baskets,
were watered down quite a bit.
I liked it that way. I will use it watered 
down intentionally for some projects
when I purchase my next can. 
(I want to try French Linen.)

And YES, as I have stated before, 
I consider the $42.16 I spent on
one quart of paint to have been 
a good value and well worth the money.

And NO - I have not been compensated
in any way by Annie Sloan or anyone else.
I have never been contacted by anyone
connected in any way to Annie Sloan.

The research done was for my 
own curiosity and satisfaction, 
and the opinions are my own. 
I sincerely hope you find them
to be informative and helpful.

Word for the Day:
Matthew 13:45-46
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Linking With


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Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!

White Wednesday
Piece of Work Wednesday
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What’s it Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Doin’ It Yourself

Feathered Nest Friday
Potpourri Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Frugal Friday
Inspiration Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Saturday Nite Special


  1. that's a mountain of stuff! it is amazing how far that paint goes, isn't it:)

  2. I agree with you, worth the money. I feel like I have painted every thing in my house!! But seriously I love painting with up for me to try milk paint, do I still have things to paint oh yes. Thank you for giving us more inspiration. Di@Cottage-wishes

  3. Hi Revi -
    You are a trooper! That's a lot of pieces and all fabulous work. I just visited your July post on using ASCP...very helpful. Like many others, I've read a lot about this paint but have not tried it. Thanks for sharing your research, documentation and work.

  4. Revi,
    Wow you did paint allot.Mine has not gone that far.Maybe my pieces are too dark to begin with so I need more paint with coverage.I need to pick more up this week.

  5. Nice painting...I love white!

    Hugs from Sweden

  6. Oh my word, that is a lot. I am amazed. Still havn't tried the paint. Everything looks gorgeous. Thanks for stopping by and your gracious comments. I appreciate it. Hugs, Marty

  7. It is awesome! I use those chunks that build up on the inside of the can to chalk up screws and rough edges, etc. Especially little things that I'm too lazy to get out the can for. Chisel it off the can and put it in a ziploc...I'm thinking you could crush it up and add water to use, also. You think? I can't stand to waste it. LOL

  8. Looks like you got your moneys worth. Everything looks great.

  9. I really want to try this paint. I like how you kept track of all you painted with just the one can. Great job! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Wow, that is a lot of things painted with just a quart! Love how everything turned out. I love painted baskets:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  11. WOW ... that's a lot of stuff. All looks great.
    Timeless Treasures

  12. Thanks for stopping by, Revi. I still haven't tried this paint. I made my own chalk paint last week for some projects, since I didn't have any. It worked okay; I am not sold on it. One day maybe I'll join the ASCP club. For now, I'm still an outsider looking in.

  13. I recently bought my first can of ASCP and it feels like a bottomless can of paint. I can't believe how many things I have painted already and still have a lot in the can.

  14. I agree that Annie Sloan is worth the money and goes a very long way. Love the ease of painting with it. The outcome is the best.

  15. Now that's a whole lotta bang for your buck Revi. I have only used the homemade recipe for chalk paint. I can see that I need to go for the real deal. Thanks for showing us how far this paint really goes.

  16. Well done! Way to document all the wonderful things one can do with one quart of Anne Sloan paint - love it! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
