
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Looking Beyond #2 - A Simple Coat of Paint

Are you a VISIONARY?

Even though you may not be at this moment,
you can BECOME a visionary. 

Why should you develop your inner VISIONARY?

  • You will save a LOT of money.
  • You will live a more "green" lifestyle.
  • You will live "beyond" your means*.
  • You will enjoy a great sense of accomplishment.
  • You can be a visionary for less than $4. 
    (the price of a can of spray paint)

    Last week, we looked beyond the GRIME, 
    which is the easiest and cheapest
    fix of all. It is at times, disgusting.
    Click HERE to see Are You a Visionary - 1.

The Life of a Visionary:

*You will buy items made of fine wood, metal, 
stone and other natural materials...


...instead of chip wood, fiberboard, plastic, resin
and other synthetic materials that won't last.

You will see beyond the scratches and scuffs.


You will live in a unique, one-of-a-kind,
creative and totally YOU environment.

You will see beyond out-dated finishes.

When you find interesting items 
in colors that don't match your style... will visualize how to make them work.

You will transform mis-matched items into a matching set.


You will create a harmonious, unified environment. 

Color is a great way to create harmony
and unity between unrelated items.

They can be painted the same color... 

...or they can be painted in a palette that
works  - brights, pastels or neutrals.


Very often, great items are hiding in plain sight, 
waiting for a visionary to find them and renew them.

Here are some items I'll be working on this weekend:

A dated vintage plaster owl...

A couple of mid-century vintage metal frames
(one has already been painted)

A metal, wood and marble pedestal bowl...

A funky 60's style metal tray with brass handles...

P.S. Here is the plaster face above BEFORE a coat of flat latex 
and a wash of dark gray watered-down craft paint:

Tips for Revising With Paint:

What can be painted:
Items that can be painted easily include:

Today, there is special paint for even plastic items.
Annie Sloan Chalk paint sticks to most finishes.

What to watch out for:
Painting latex - water based paint over an existing oil finish.
While you can paint a coat of paint, you might think you are ok, but It won't stick, and will peel off like bubble gum - on the SECOND coat. 

How to Begin:
Thoroughly clean anything before painting it.
Even if an item appears clean, dust, oils 
from fingertips, and other microscopic things
can interfere with how a paint adheres to an object.

Most times, a clean rag and a little dish detergent is sufficient to clean an item. Occasionally, sanding or de-greasing is in order. Never fear - if you begin painting and have problems with adhesion - sand and clean again. 

Is Priming Necessary?
Well, no, but it is a good idea.
Primer will act as a bonding agent between the paint and the old finish. It will also cut down on the amount of paint needed, which saves money in the long run. It makes an even finish on which to apply the new color - and can save extra coats of color and lots of frustration.

Other Considerations:
You might want to paint COMPONENTS of an item, and leave some of them natural (like the marble, wood and metal pedestal bowl above.) Just look for screws to take an item apart. (Tips: take a photo of the piece before you disassemble it to see how it goes back together. Put all screws and fasteners into a ziploc bag and label it.)

Whether you spray or brush a couple of coats of paint on an item, PAINT is the second cheapest way to revise. 

With a little vision, you can LITERALLY create 
your own unique and stylish home 
for very little cash. Be green and save green.

Look beyond the surface. 
See an item as it MIGHT be.
You ARE a visionary!

Word for the Day:
Joel 2:28
"And it shall come to pass afterward 
that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; 
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, 
your old men shall dream dreams, 
your young men shall see visions;

Linking With


Thrifty Treasures

Masterpiece Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!

White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Doin’ It Yourself

Feathered Nest Friday
Potpourri Friday
Frugal Friday
Inspiration Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Saturday Nite Special


  1. Revi,
    Love all of these pieces! Especially that number table!

  2. Thank you for this inspirational post. I have always tried to reduce my footprint on this earth and you have bolstered my resolve to do so. The tips on painting were very informative. I collect faces so this one is going to be pinned if you don't mind for gazing at later.

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  3. Great post! I love all your transformations. I'm a visionary too.


  4. Loving the numbered pieces, but my heart belongs to the little table with the #7 on it. Love all your transformations and for the tips on painting. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

  5. Hey Revi - Thanks for another informative and very useful post on painting. You should write a book and showcase all your projects. Just saying what we all think ;)

  6. I LOOOOOOVE this post!! You put it all so beautifully.

    I am all for buying things that will last - rather than cheaper, flimsier pieces.

    I really enjoyed seeing all the magic you've woven in your house, especially that metal (?) box. Jealous? Moi!!


  7. From one visionary to another, I love it! You have such wonderful style Revi and you know how to turn trash into treasures for sure! This is an awesome post. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  8. Hi Revi,
    Just hopping back to let you know that I will be featuring you today at Share Your Cup.

  9. You are definitely a visionary! You've chosen some great things to restore and have given them new life! That's awesome!
