
Monday, September 24, 2012

Beauty, Function, and What to Keep...

Lately, I feel the need to simplify.
It must be in the air...because I have 
read posts from other bloggers who 
express similar intentions. 

My need to simplify has had me culling through 
my garage, closets, drawers, and shelves. 
I am preparing for a garage sale. 

I plan to sell everything I don't love.
I only want to keep things I love.
So there will be fewer things.
Things I keep will either function
or they'll excite my senses in some way.

Here's one example of things I plan to keep:

Two vintage cutting boards and a
rolling pin. They're rustic and handmade.
I bought the large one at Purple Heart
in Houston eons ago. I love the carved
detail on the top of the board.

This board is a great size on which to slice a loaf of bread.
You can see it has been well used and loved.

The smaller board has a charming handle as well.
It is a fairly recent acquisition - for .57c.
It has a painted side, but I prefer the plain one.

I keep it facing plain side-out on a hook.
It now lives with the larger board on a hook
placed on the side of my upper cabinets. 
It's very handy. The knife drawer is just below.

Another score from the Purple Heart is
this tiny grinder. It is real. I grind pepper
when I need larger amounts of it.

The chippy, worn finish of this 
tiny grinder is totally authentic.

The rolling pin is new. It cost a buck 
from Jack and Greg's shop. 

It is primitive and charming. 
One end has a hole in it...

...and the other is notched.

Does anyone know why? 

I'm itching to neutralize my chartreuse walls
in the kitchen. It may have to wait until
after Christmas...but maybe not. 

I plan to do my dining room next - maybe in 
three weeks. Until then, I'm concentrating
on the world's largest one-home
garage sale! 

Word for the Day:
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded 
by such a great cloud of witnesses, 
let us throw off everything that hinders 
and the sin that so easily entangles, 
and let us run with perseverance 
the race marked out for us.

Linking With


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Sister Sunday
Thrifty Treasures

Metamorphosis Monday
Masterpiece Monday
The More the Merrier Monday
Make it Pretty Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures

Share the Love Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Under $100 Link Party
Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Live Laugh Linky
thrift’n on a thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Potpourri Friday
Friday Redoux Link Party
Inspiration Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Spread the Love

Saturday Nite Special


  1. I love all your boards and things!
    I'm cleaning out, too. Too much stuff. It's a shame that a bunch of us don't live closer so we could shop for free. :)
    Maybe your rolling pin hung in a rack? I'm in love with your big board- it's so pretty.
    xxx, Tina

  2. Love the breadboards! Simplifying always feels great!

  3. I just love that little grinder. I definitely know what your saying about weeding through the "stuff" we accumulate. My cabinets project has made me do that myself.
    Thanks for sharing and have a great week,

  4. I wish you lived on my block. I want to have a humongous garage sale too! So much stuff that needs to go! I hope to see lots of pictures of your purged closets, etc. When will this take place? Soon?

  5. I try to purge every feels great! Lovely cutting boards and rolling pin!

  6. Revi,
    You need to have a space or open a shop! That is what I ended up doing.I enjoy things for awhile and then they off to a new home!

  7. If I had but one wish it would be to shop at your garage sale it would be so much fun. Since I've follow your blog I always been inspired to decorate better with more thought. Keep up the good work.

  8. So glad you are keeping those lovely bread boards. I've been "letting go" around here too...feels great!! Laurel

  9. Good eye on your finds and what you are keeping :) I have no idea why that is notched???? Thank you for sharing this at Rustic Restorations Weekend.

  10. If I had to guess on the notching, it looks like the rolling pin is lathed from one log (so from the pic it looks like it is all one peice?) the pin end would be round and the holder/latch would be the notch in to hold it in place on the lathe. IDK -just a guess

  11. Sybil, that explains a lot! Now, it makes perfect sense. Thanks!

  12. It is refreshing to gather items from around the house, under the beds, and in the attic in order to find them new homes. Have fun at your sale - remember not to buy your own stuff back. (I speak from experience!)

  13. Hi Revi!

    I love all your pieces here for you kitchen. My focus has been my kitchen lately...though in the background noise of my mind...I'm putting a craftroom/office together.
    That painted cutting board looks similar to the one I recently purchased for $.50 maybe a buck... but it is a Nevco board (mine) ...does your's say on the plain side...
    "Use the other side 'n' save the face" ???

    My board has roosters on it. I love it!

    I like yours too.
    Not sure about the notch on the pin...but I'm thinking Sybil might have the right idea.


  14. Yup Revi, those are all keepers. My daughter and I just had a garage sale last Sat. Did very well, which surprised me. Kind of nice to dejunk. Although I really need to part with more. Thanks for sharing with SYC.
