
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Restful Whites

Give a girl a quart of chalk paint, and she goes crazy. I told you I'd probably
walk around with a paint brush and paint anything that got in my way...

I know myself well. Here are a few ways I spend an hour during the past week:

 This used to look like this:

Notice the chippy-in-a-bad-way edges.
Presto-change-o - GONE! (ish)

I could visualize this piece painted white the moment I saw it.

It will go in my dining room on a gallery wall with mirrors,
frames, and other odd pieces like this angel-shelf:

It's made of terra cotta, and at one time I had painted it a dark olive green.
A few minutes and a little chalk paint, and a whole new look!

I can't help but think of Rosemary when I see this painted white.
Sorry I didn't photograph it green, though. 

Here's a before of another terra cotta piece. 
I actually bought two of these little planters for a buck each.
They looked like this before painting:

And this after Annie came to the rescue:

You can still see hints of the gold if you look closely:

I was tempted to leave this pretty wood bowl natural...

but my obsession with white paint won out. 

Look what I discovered while sorting things 
for my garage sale next month:

Of course they won't go in the garage sale
after being given new life via a coat of ASCP Old White.

They'll go in my modern-primitive bedroom. 

Which is where I'll be heading in a little while to catch up on some
reading and some sleep. I need a good night's rest. I wish the same for you, my friends.

Word for the Day:

Isaiah 57:1-2
The righteous man perishes,
    and no one lays it to heart;
devout men are taken away,
    while no one understands.
For the righteous man is taken away from calamity;
     he enters into peace;
they rest in their beds
    who walk in their uprightness.

Linking With


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Masterpiece Monday
The More the Merrier Monday

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Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired
Twice Owned Tuesday

White Wednesday
Share the Love Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Would You Buy It Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Suzy's House Party
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Thursday Favorite Things
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Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
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Share Your Cup Thursday
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Get Schooled Saturday


  1. Cute! All better in white. I always think of Rosemary, too, when I see white painted cherubs. :)
    Hope you had a restful night~

  2. I like some of these pieces painted white... I have to ask, is my mind playing a trick on me? The first pieces don't look the same...I'm assuming you either have 2 of them and one is an impression of the other OR... You made a plaster cast of one? (which would have been a very clever idea!)
    the other thing ...I LOVE THE BOXES. I showed my stack in my bedroom recently-- that was only half. I have another stack on the dresser that are too wide for the shelves. I collect boxes. Those white ones...hmmm...must add to my collection! I'm keeping a watchful eye now!
    I don't know that I would have painted the bowl- but you know I am overly cautious when decorating. Making a decision (ANY DECISION) IS SO HARD FOR ME!!!!
    Lastly... I don't get the 'Rosemary' connection.

    I can't wait to see your dining room. I love how you are giving your whole house a makeover and you and I are ALMOST working room by room!!! I've been tweaking some things in my kitchen -dining area too. Haven't posted any yet.
    But soon. I'll give you a has nothing to do with restful whites.
    :D Pat

  3. I meant to say ...I've MADE A DECISION... and it has nothing to do with Restful Whites. :D

  4. All great transformations! Thanks so much for visiting me and I am now a follower.

  5. Revi,
    You are painting allot LOL.I am the same.If I get a new can of paint and a paint brush watch out!Love all of your white transformations.

  6. You've been busy. It's funny, I've been painting wood bowls too. Love the cherubs.

  7. that's funny! you really walked around your house and paint anything in sight! It does make a big impact and bring new life to old things!

  8. Ah can make anything look a million dollars!! Lovely Revi, and I bet they didn't take you too long to do either! Chalk paint dries quickly I hear - bonus!!

  9. These are gorgeous! I came back to check out your topiary hair cut (looks great by the way) and got sidetracked by these babies. They look like a mission bucks!!!

  10. Beautiful changes! Do you sleep with a paint brush by your bed? :-)

    You really have a great talent for refurbishing. Wish you were closer!


  11. Love all your whites! I am now following you! Please follow me? I see you are from Amarillo! Go over there all the time to eat at Famous Daves bbq, we live in Clovis ,NM. I just started blogging in April, and I love it! Penny

  12. I love all the whites :)

    New follower from the Blog Hop
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  13. Wow! What a great idea and it looks lovely on all the pieces! Thank you for sharing this!

    ***Stopping by from the hop, have a great day!

  14. You weren't kidding. You painted everything! I wouldn't have thought the bowl would have been so great, but it is and that little lidded box you have highlighted at the end up that wood or some sort of fabric? It all turned out so well. Love seeing the gold showing through. What a great new look.

  15. Great makeovers... love the beauty of white! Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

  16. You made me chuckle! I could just imagine you walking around with the quart of chalk paint and paint brush in hand looking for things to paint - I chuckled all the more at all you DID paint - it is so much fun isn't it! Love the transformations - brings new life and interest to these lovely items! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
