
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thrifty Finds and Justice...

This past weekend, I only went to one garage sale - my friend Julie's.
Julie does garage sales to finance mission trips.
She has been to Africa and to harvest grapes in Israel as
a foreigner working the land to fulfill Biblical prophecy.

There was a sweet pair of mini finials. One of them went well with two larger
ones I already had on my book case. The other will go somewhere else.

I'm not sure where just yet, but it has "the look" I'm going for.
It may end up somewhere in the dining room.

I also found some fabrics to use somewhere:
One is a heavy denim like fabric in a creamy khaki color...

There's probably a yard or so  - enouth to make pillows or cover a small chair...

The other is not really fabric, but vinyl. It's pretty cool!
Yummy silver and gold - so the effect is that lovely color you get when
you mix both silver and gold together - soft, yet still a little bling-ish!
Here's a close up...

It looks sort of like a platinum football, doesn't it?
It is not really glossy shiny, but it is metallic. I think it might make a
sensational padded headboard in my modern-primitive bedroom!
There are about 4 yards of it may just work!

Then there were these adorable salt and pepper shakers.
I just got them because I liked them. They don't really "go."
(Meaning they're not white ironstone or pottery.)
But then again, nothing I have really "goes." So they'll work, too.

They're black on white - printed with tiny little maps that say,
"Carlsruhe" on them. Maybe they were
souvenirs of someone's European vacation...

I love Google! I just found out
Carlsruhe is a city in Germany. (Now Karlsruhe)

It was founded in 1715, and may be the city
our own Washington, D.C. was patterned after.

Karlsruhe considers itself to be the home of justice in Germany,
according to Wikipedia. Hmmmm. Interesting...

One last thing - though I didn't get these at Julie's garage sale.
Instead, last weekend I finally removed them from the trunk of my car,
 since I had to make room put Dani and Jerry's luggage in there!

Three solid wood corbels, found at a thrift store a while back
for $4 each. Pretty cool, huh? Not sure how I might use them...

Any ideas?
From my perspective, paint is always a good place to start.

Word for the Day:

Micah 6:8
He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice,
and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Linking With


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Sister Sunday

Metamorphosis Monday
Masterpiece Monday
The More the Merrier Monday
Show Me What You Got!

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired
Twice Owned Tuesday

Share the Love Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Would You Buy It Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Live Laugh Linky

Feathered Nest Friday
Potpourri Party
Inspiration Friday
Free For All Friday
Spread the Love

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday


  1. Love the finials and the corbels. All great finds. Hugs, Marty

  2. Wow, those are all just great! Love the shape of your finials. And how interesting the salt and pepper. I like the smooth lines and the monochrome colors. The details of the maps and gardens is really good! I like the corbels. I been looking for some to put a shelf above a window. You got an excellent price!

  3. Yum to the corbels. I can't believe they have been in the trunk and you are just now sharing. Get out the paint and go thick. I think I would then take a chain to them and beat them up just a little. Yum!

  4. What beautiful finials and wonderful corbels!
    You hit the two stop jackpot!
    I am so very pleased to meet you, Revi! Thank you for visiting 34th street. I'm your newest follower!

  5. Ooh, the corbels are going to be so cool somewhere and the finials too. I never find those types of items around here at garage sales or thrift stores. But I guess you never know what you might come across next, right?
