
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Chalk Paint - Is It a Piece of Cake?

Well, in this instance, maybe it was a bit more like bubble gum.
But, honestly, it's not Annie's fault. Let me explain...

This table is one of the few pieces in my home
that I bought already "done." 

It had been painted black and distressed. 
I loved the size of it, and the finish.

I bought it several years ago, and
have debated whether or not
I REALLY wanted to paint it white, even
in my quest for a light, neutral environment.

But it fit the space much better than a
larger table did, so I decided to paint it.

And just at the perfect time, my aunt
June asked me to send her info
about "that paint I had been telling her about."

LO AND BEHOLD! (Imagine a choir of angels singing here.) 
I went to the Annie Sloan web site
and looked at the list of stockists. Was I EVER
surprised to find a new stockist just a half-hour away!!!

So June and I went to get some yesterday after work.

I had planned to visit a friend in the hospital last night, 
so I didn't begin painting immediately. 
But today after work, I popped open the 
can of Annie Sloan Old White and began painting 
my cute little black table! I just KNEW I'd be distressing
before the evening was over!

Well, I was distressing before long all right!
Because instead of the piece of cake I was expecting,
I was treated to a load of bubble gum.

Apparently my precious little table had one
time been painted in oil, and then in latex.

So when I put a coat of chalk paint on it,
it loosened up. I tried to smooth out a spot, and
the paint came off. Yuck. Have you ever encountered
a situation like this? I have. NOT fun. So, I peeled
the top layer of paint off the table top.

The legs were not doing the same thing...
so I thought maybe someone had just
painted the top in oil. It peeled off in  a straight 
line at the  table edge. 

This is why I never buy manicures. I use my fingernails
as tools. Come on - 'fess up. Do you?

Normally, I'd enjoy peeling something 
like this - don't ask me why.

But TODAY, I wanted to witness a miracle!
I wanted a lovely slice of creamy vanilla cake that 
did everything but paint the table FOR me! 
All blogdom has been singing the praises of this paint!
I had coveted it for months. 

And here I sat peeling about a buck's worth of it off
my cute, formerly black table.

Had I not read that this paint stuck to EVERYTHING?
Or that you didn't need to sand or prime EVER?
Was I just imagining this? Did I dream it?

Apparently, no one had encountered a table that
had been painted in latex over oil. Drats.

OK, I reasoned. If it sticks to OIL, we're still in business!

So on went the second first coat on the tabletop.

And it's drying as we speak. (We ARE speaking, sort of, aren't we?)

And I must say, this paint covered really well.
Well, technically, it has one coat and a partial touch-up coat on it.

And it looks charming in Old White. Even before distressing.

I'll say one thing too - THIS PAINT DRIES REALLY FAST.
I admit, it's been 106 degrees here the past two days,
and it's maybe 103 right now. And my AC is broken...
but still, this chalk paint dries amazingly fast.

So fast, in fact, that it was ready to distress! So I did.

And it was EASY. I did in 10 minutes what it would have
taken an hour and more muscle to do with flat white latex.

And I love my little black table in Old White!

So much that I'm considering doing the sofa...

 and anything else that gets in my path!

OK Annie, you redeemed yourself.

My faith is restored. You ARE all that!

After all...50 zillion bloggers
can't be wrong, can they?

Word for the Day:

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, 
the conviction of things not seen.

Linking With


Under $100 Link Party
Suzy's House Party
Transformation Thursday
Share Awesomeness Thursday
Rustic Restorations Weekend

Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Flaunt it Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday
Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Restyled Sundays
Sister Sunday
Just something I whipped up
Creative Me Link Up

Metamorphosis Monday
Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Revival Monday
Just a party with my peeps!

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Be Inspired
Twice Owned Tuesday

White Wednesday
Primp Your Stuff Wed
Piece of Work Wednesday
Restored it Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got


  1. Great job! It looks wonderful. I have only done DIY chalk paint, and I have not encountered a piece that had been done in oil then latex. But thanks for the warning!

  2. Revi, I sure enjoyed this post! I am not the only one that this stuff happens too! I really want to get some of that paint...I have just been putting it off, since I'll have to order it, but it sure looks easy...well usually anyway!
    The table looks great!

  3. Love the table! I have used and loved Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I think once in a blue moon, for whatever reason, you may encounter a problem such as you did. I'm glad you had a happy ending.

  4. I've never heard of ASCP not sticking to anything, Revi. Strange! But I suppose if the oil/latex combo was a bad foundation for it, it stands to reason that the chalk paint wouldn't stick either. But I'm so glad that it finally worked for you -- because that table looks so sweet!

    xoxo laurie

  5. It looks great! I love how fast it dries. I used a quart of it in no time flat, painting everything in sight. Since then, I've tried some of the formulas on the blogs for making your own. Plaster of paris worked better than the unsanded grout, for me anyway.

    Have a happy 4th!

  6. Oh goodness! I am so glad that it all worked out in the end! I have dealt with similar issues but not with chalk paint. And yes, I use my fingernails as tools, a lot! My nails are never pretty! Your table is darling! Thank you for sharing! Happy painting!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  7. Yea! A transformation and only a measure of challenging, hairpulling, nailbiting trauma. Whew! Glad you stuck with it. It distressed so beautifully. I would love to see you keep at it and do the couch. I bet you'd love it!

  8. I've never encountered something ASCP didn't do wonderfully on. What a nightmare. I'm so glad you had success in the end. Now get going on that couch if you haven't already. Love your sweet table!

  9. I think you did an outstanding job. Seems you never loss your cool and white prevailed. I can't wait to see the sofa.

  10. your ac is broken? oh my--mine isn't and it can't keep up! ok, i got sidetracked---i've never had that paint do that and i hope it never does. in the end, it looks beautiful now, revi! take it easy in the heat!

  11. Revi,
    I have not encountered that.But boy did that turn out great! Glad you were able to fix it.What a pretty addition to your home.

  12. This is so pretty! I have yet to try Chalk paint but really want to. You should come link this up to the CSI Project. The challenge this week is wood. SO come on over. You just might win!!!!
    Each week is a new challenge so come over and have fun!

  13. Hey Revi! Wow, that so looks like something that would happen to me!!! So glad it turned out ok for you! It looks great!

    And @Sharing Shadymont..... Unsanded grout? That's for chalkBOARD paint isn't it? Not chalk paint? Am I wrong? Im so confused now.... I thought chalk paint is different than chalkboard paint?

  14. Love your redo, Revi! Stay cool in this crazy heat♥

  15. I'm so glad you posted this. I have an old dresser that has many layers of white latex because we painted over the original 1930s stain finish and it bled and bled and bled. Somewhere around coat #7 it stopped bleeding through. After many years service in my son's room, it is now relegated to a closet where it is barely used. I was thinking I would redo it in ASCP, but now I'm thinking I probably better strip that crummy latex off first. Thank you for saving me from a disaster!

  16. Min, before you take on the amazingly messy and time-consuming job of stripping that dresser, I'd at least try a test spot! My table legs didn't peel off like the top did - not sure why - and the chalk paint stuck to the oil very well. Let me know how it turns out!

  17. You have to be kidding me! I have NEVER had a problem with it sticking. That is totally weird. I think you just came up with a different use for ASCP--how to remove latex on oil LOL!
    I am sorry that you had a bad experience with AS. I really love the paint. I want to paint my Kitchen cabinets. Maybe I will experiment on one before I buy all the paint :) Thank you so much for linking this up to Rustic Restorations Weekend!!!

  18. That sounds like something that would happen to me! Glad it worked out! It sure looks good!

  19. Congratulations!!! I have been wanting you to get some ASCP since I first started reading about you and your furniture. Your table looks great!
