
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Frugally Mine

If I go for more than a couple of weeks without a 
visit to a thrift store, I get antsy. I imagine all the 
great finds I'm missing out on for really cheap prices!

Like this gallon jug. It might make a lamp. 
I know, I know...I don't need another lamp!
I've admitted my addiction to you already.

But it COULD be a lamp. Or even used
for it's originally intended function. A jug. 
It was a buck at a garage sale.

Let me know if you have any brill ideas.
The same garage sale had this for a buck, too.

Sometimes I have tiny things, and I think it could be
a good way to keep the "clutter" look of too many
tiny things under control. I'm not sure where I'll use it yet,
but for a buck, I NEEDED it. And it was on the way
to my aunt's house, just waiting for me...

I'll probably paint it. And distress it. 
The same goes for this little square mirror.
I have another problem with little mirrors.
It was 1.91, a bit much for it, but I liked the
lines on it and I'll use it in my "modern 
primitive" bedroom as part of a mirror
collage above my dresser. I've pulled some
of the more traditional ones from there
to use in my guest room.

At the same thrift store, I found this great domed cake plate.

The price for this pretty piece makes up for the overpriced mirror.
I also found a couple more of the vintage glass decanters
for $1.91 each. Now I have four. 

At yet another thrift store, I found these clear plastic casters.

4 for $1.25, which seems like a good deal until you see this...

I suppose they didn't sell for .25c at a garage sale, and went
to the thrift store. Oh, well. It supports a women's shelter, so it's fine.

I also picked up this new zinc bucket for a buck. 

And this light fixture for my front porch.
I bought one when I moved in 9 years ago, 
and it's cute, but you have to unscrew two different
pieces to replace the stinkin' light bulb! 
I hate that. I just want to screw one in, you know?

My current one is bronze, which I like, but 
this one will work with my new white and taupe 
scheme. And no more unscrewing anything!

Pretty sweet for 2 bucks.

I found this little business card file box a while back.
It was cheap, but I don't remember how much.

Last but certainly not least is this little folding chair.
I bought it for $10 over 25 years ago. 

I've used it as a desk chair, a lawn chair, an 
extra guest dining chair and the list goes on.

I like the lines on it. and I've always liked the wood, 
until now. I'm considering painting it.

Or maybe staining it.

It folds up so nicely and very easily.

It's made by Snyder Chair in the USA (Chicago.) It was made in the 1930s.

I googled it and found an interesting web site 
called Urban Remains that is selling a set of 3 for $395.

A little farther down, I found one on etsy for $18. 
It's not an expensive piece, actually it's functional and humble. 
But still I'm not sure if I should paint it.
What do you think?

I searched for "chair" and "seat" and
most of the verses that I saw were writing about
the mercy seat or thrones. I suppose there weren't chairs for
regular people back then. Maybe they sat on the floor. 

Even though it is not TOTALLY applicable 
to my post, I really liked this one...

Word for the Day:

Revelation 21:5
And he who was seated on the throne said, 
“Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, 
“Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

And I believe they are.

Linking With


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Sister Sunday
Creative Me Link Up

Metamorphosis Monday
Making the World Cuter Monday
Masterpiece Monday
The More the Merrier Monday
Just a party with my peeps!
Show Me What You Got!

Share Awesomeness Thursday
Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Live Laugh Linky

Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Potpourri Party
Inspiration Friday
Flaunt it Friday
Free For All Friday
Spread the Love
Rustic Restorations Weekend
Delicately Constructed Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Get Schooled Saturday
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. Hey Queen of the Thrifters!
    I would be torn about the chair, too.
    It's so cool the way it is, but I can see it painted, too.
    Decisions, decisions.
    Love your finds and no telling what I've missed the last month. : )

  2. Oh, you were so going to get my opinion on painting the chair. Glad that I saw at the end that you actually were wanting my opinion!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
    Love the little comparment for small things....and a dollar at that! Great mirror. Girl, you do find some great deals!!

  3. love the wood thingy with the different cubby holes, esp. revi, but, you've found a lot a great starts for many projects!

  4. Good thing you got back out there. I get antsy too. Like right now it's raining again, been raining all night and not sure now if it'll ever stop. What if there are no sales tomorrow?! Waaaa! Hey, you could do that "twine tying" around that huge bottle. It would be so cool if you like that sort of thing. You got wheels! Woo! And I'm with you on light fixtures... you have to be totally coordinated to undo and redo those. Mine's like that and I dread changing the bulb. DO NOT paint that chair. That's my take, and I had 8 similar ones (not exactly this kind) that I got for under $3.50 each. I refinished them and gave them to a friend. She has stored them by hanging them with rope in her adorable laundry room. So cute! Sorry for writing a book here, but you asked for it posting so much good stuff!

  5. If you really wanted to paint the chair, rather than staining it, you could do a transparent color wash so the wood grain still shows through. It's a beautiful chair, whatever you do with it.

  6. Loved your post, I came over from Would You Buy it Wednesday. The little cubby/divider thingy, would look great with some legs added to make a side table, then top with glass, easy to remove and switch out things inside. And I would have bought the casters, even though I already have a box full! DON'T paint the chair! Unless you really want to! Perfect verse at the end.

  7. Oh Revi, how I would love to go thriftig with you! Great finds. I love the piece with all the compartments. Could be so fun. I can't wait to see what color you paint it. The cake plate, wow what a bargain. I love the folding chair! I usually say, yes paint. But for some reason I like it just the way it is. Thanks for sharing your treasures with Share Your Cup. Hop over and read my latest post. You will totally understand. lol!

  8. You found some major scores. Those plastic casters are cool. You never know when you need casters.
    Karen G

  9. IF you paint the chair do the color wash so the grain shows through. That is just a great suggestion. Another idea ... What about a fabric pillow or skirt to add some color and change it up again ? First time to your blog. Love the chromatic grey post too.
    ~ Christie

  10. I love all of these treasures. I think I like the chair just it is. Maybe a little cushion is all it needs. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Hugs and wishes for a beautiful week ahead.

  11. I can't believe that great price on the seltzer bottle! I'd love to have one, but never see them for less than $20!
    Can't wait to see what you choose for the chair--I have four awaiting a coat of paint. I'm thinking of using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ in duck egg with a french linen wash.

  12. Oh, so many fun treasures, Revi! My favs...the cake dome with the unique, extra-long knob at top and the chair. To paint or not to paint. would depend on where it would go and what with.

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage
