
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rabbit, Rabbit...

If you find yourself in possession of a couple of rabbits, 
this might be a good time to post about them. 

This fella is made of terra cotta. I spray painted it
with Rustoleum gloss white. LOVE that stuff!

The little guy below is a ceramic planter.

I stuck a little dusty miller plant in him just for a photo, 
though he is so small it won't last long.

If you think these guys are cute, 
I wish you could have seen the little rabbit
chess pieces my friend Cathy made
in a college ceramic class. They were
so adorable and full of personality.
I had one for years, but it broke finally.
But, I still have Cathy!

Word for the Day:

The rabbit, though it chews the cud, 
does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you.

Remember - only CHOCOLATE bunnies allowed!

I'm hopping over to White Wednesday with these guys.
See you there!


  1. Your rabbits are cute, cute. Nice job on the first guy. Spray paint is a great spruce up.

  2. You are a spraying painting diva girl. Make that a white spray painting diva. I bought some cheap white paint the other day and I am still waiting for the white to show up.

  3. Cute display...white paint fixes anything! :)

  4. Forgot to tell you last time I visited that I L.O.V.E.,love the new look of your blog! Did you do this yourself? If so, how much do you charge to re-do blogs?

    love the bunnies by the way and I also L.O.V.E. the verse for the day. YOur interoperation is spot on =0)

  5. Sweet Sweet little rabbit!!!
    Happy Holy week!!!
    Blessings Lori

  6. i'm not sure why, but, i'm not getting your email alerts. i'm glad you popped up on top of my sidebar today:) i just love your bunnies!
