
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I found this little white vase for .50c. 
It's about 4 inches tall. I thought it was cute.

I also thought it was American-made.
I noticed the raised lettering around the
bottom - "MADE IN TAIWAN"
Oh, well. It's still cute for .50c

This little hobnail milk glass pitcher was a bargain.
It's small, too. It may hold 2 or 3 cups of milk or juice,
but it's no where near two quarts.

My favorite found white milk glass piece is this one:

I have never seen another one.
It appears to be an old after-shave
bottle. Does anyone recognize it?

I was so excited to find it! I thought it was cute
and I paid $2 to bring it home. I had plans to
use it as a bud vase or put it in my bathroom.
At least until this...

Tragic. I'm bummed. 

One false move and... 
my first photographic casualty. 

Why, oh why couldn't it have been
the little Taiwan thingy?

Word for the Day:

Psalm 147:3
He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.

May all the broken things in your life 
be bound up or restored in His perfect time.

Linking With:


Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Tuesday’s Treasures
Be Inspired

White Wednesday
Share the Love Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Would You Buy It Wednesday
Show Me What Ya Got

Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Potpourri Party
Inspiration Friday
Free For All Friday
Spread the Love


  1. geez! I hate when that happens!

  2. I love milk glass.Sorry your piece broke.Can your creatively still use it?Maybe sticking out of a planter?

  3. Revi-
    Cover some styrofoam with some sheet moss and stick it in and then you can still fill it with great fake looking flowers. I think it would look cool, but then I love broken things. It is way to amazing to throw out. Keep it until something hits you. It will.

  4. I know how this feels one to many times. I always think the same thing why my best buy and not the cheaper. But, but,:( I sorry I can't think of anything to soften the blow. Wait, yes I can, I like the pitcher it is gorgeous and I think it was a great find. Enjoy!

  5. Oh, no!
    That would be just like me...
    Maybe you can find a creative use for it though. Definitely stick it styrofoam or sand first.
    Sorry. ;(

  6. Oh I hate that the cool bottle got broken! Right, why not the other thingy? Love the little white pitcher, though.

  7. aw! too bad about the broken piece. I'm like everybody else. Find a use for it...I like the planter idea.

    I like the little hobnail pitcher.

    take care, Pat

  8. I love milk glass!!! So sorry about the breakage, but you found the perfect Bible verse for this post!


  9. sorry! It really was a very pretty and simple bottle! Worked perfectly to illustrate your scripture!

  10. oh, so sorry, revi! cute survivors, though:)

  11. Great treasures. Sorry for the accident.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Oh Revi, I am so sorry!

    ugh. I hate it when that happens.

    Last time I broke something it didn't even make it out of the bag from the thrift store....broke on way home when I went over the RR tracks.


    I like your Biblical verse, keeps everything in perspective.


  13. Hi Revi, oh I hate when things like that happen. It would have been so cute as a bud vase. Well, glad your other items survived. I love the little hobnail pitcher. Thanks so much for sharing them at my party.

  14. Hi Revi! One click led to another that led me to your blog :) New follower! Happy Thursday.


  15. Oh no. I've had that happen more than once. The other day, it was almost my camera...caught it just in time.
    Love that hobnail pitcher and the Taiwan vase really is adorable.

  16. Oh no Revi!! That is a major bummer! I has something similar happen to me with some vintage pictures I had purchased for the dining room. I placed one on the wall and started clicking away and it fell off the wall!!! I was sooo upset and afraid to lift it up in fear of what I would find but thankfully it was pretty much all in tacked. Only one of the corners chipped away a tad but that adds character. Thanx for joining THT!

  17. That sounds like something I would do! Love the hobnail pitcher, I have a full sized one with 5 (originally had 6, but one met the same fate as your bottle)small glasses. I'm on the look out for replacements, and now I want a small pitcher to match!

  18. Hey Revi...I heard this quote a few days ago..our blessing is in the brokeness..that's where Christ truly remakes us into His likeness.How beautiful..just like your vase, he uses what we think is a tragic "shattering" in life as a way to piece by piece renew and transform us for a different use, thus the cute white vase. And it's usually what's precious, the price is high, but the reward is priceless. Him. This goes right along with what I wrote about in the wee hours this morning! Have a wonderful day! I am very into white these days too..hmmm..especially the raised dot milk vases like my grandmother used to have. Old things made new. Happy Friday! Blessings, Suzanne

  19. Oh Revi,

    I am so sorry. It was a truly unique piece. Your little pitcher is amazing, though :)


  20. Ouch! That's a bummer! I really love the little pitcher too!

  21. oh darn! but still great finds my friend. Thank you for linking up to the Thursday hop. Sorry I'm behind in saying thank you. My Monday post will explain my delay.Hope to see you again this Thursday. xo
