
Friday, April 6, 2012

Deconstruction, etc.

And your opinions, please...

Well, I missed another deadline with my living room. 
You see, I'm having trouble getting the windows out.
I need a sawzall, and I have a fear of saws.

But on a brighter note, I may have a solution to a problem
that will cost nothing but a coat of paint. 
And I actually painted one already...but that may change,
depending upon your input.

Here's the whole deconstructed corner
this post is dealing with today:

This is the right side of the fireplace, where I am removing 
a window. In the spirit of the recent deconstruction craze,
I decided to go ahead and try out this bookshelf.

It has been living in my laundry room for the past nine years.
And I have another that was relegated to the storage shed.

They were painted dark green, back when dark green was hot.
Until yesterday. I mixed up some black latex paint
with some gray mis-tint paint from Home Depot, until I got this:

These shelves were purchased eons ago at Ikea. 
They were raw wood. They're slatted, which is not ideal, but I can work with it.

Why did I decide to try them, other than I HAD them?
I saw this at Restoration Hardware:

OK, so it's a French Library Shelf, with real metal.
And it costs a bundle. If you squint really hard,
and use your imagination, do you think my little
Ikea relic has a similar feel?

I think it will work until I build or find something else!
So, what do you think of the gray?
I was originally thinking white...

Let me know. Meanwhile, here are some of my
vintage industrial elegant items in close-up shots, from the top down:

A painted Chinese basket on top of vintage books, and a basket.
(No, the basket is not white, but you'll see why I'm keeping it natural later...)

An old chippy box with a bent wood handle. 
And the Bible I received in third grade, 
open to Psalm 91, a Psalm of protection, 
and one of my personal favorites.

I just plopped a couple of small pots of fake ivy in it.
 I really need something nicer!

See this writing on the end of the box? Cool, huh?

I paid $4 for this years ago. I thought it was pricey, but I liked it. Still do.
My sweet Dad practically wore this KJV Bible out! It's falling apart.
The glasses are from an unknown family member. 
They were in a trunk with old family things.

Here's a little bird cage I snagged at a garage sale last summer for a buck.
It's next to more vintage books, and a little white house.

See the detail of the shelf construction? Industrial. :)

On the shelf below, more vintage books. I love vintage books! 

And a natural wood bowl with old chippy painted croquet balls in it.

When I have walls behind the shelf, I can prop empty frames 
or hang small art pieces to finish my vignettes.

Now, I need your opinion about a purchase I made last week.
My uncle brought it to me yesterday, since he has a truck.
He's also going to help me saw the nails that are
connecting the window frame to the studs soon! Yay!

I mean, I love a good deconstructed chair as much as the next girl,
but the walls by my fireplace have got to be constructed!

Speaking of deconstructed chairs...what do you think
about this sofa? Sixty Bucks. 

"Not much," you say? "But the dog is cute."

Yeah, but she's the culprit who did this:

Have a closer look:

And you thought I was exaggerating when I told 
you my son's dog ate my sofa. 

Well, here's her replacement, sans the multitude
of pillows that probably "brought her into the '80s"

Still not that impressed? Take a closer look:

Pretty, no? And she has nice legs:

And I think a couple of drop cloths, a few upholstery tacks,
maybe some bolsters, and she will be drop dead gorgeous!

This is why I left some dark wood pieces. I'm thinking
of leaving her natural. But then again, maybe
she's look beautiful painted - white distressed...

OK - opinions on the shelves?
Gray? or White? or Find Other Options

What about the sofa? 
To paint or not to paint. 
That is the question.
Your input is seriously considered.
Examples of other pieces would
be amazingly helpful!

Have I told you lately how much I 
appreciate you! Well I do. 
You're the bomb!

Word for the Day:
Good Friday

John 19:4-7
4 Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews, 
“Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know
 that I find no basis for a charge against him.” 
5 When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns 
and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!”
 6 As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, 
they shouted, “Crucify! Crucify!”
   But Pilate answered, “You take him and crucify him. 
As for me, I find no basis for a charge against him.”
 7 The Jews insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law 
he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.”

Today, we focus on how a sinless Jesus, 
fully God and fully man, chose to suffer and die
so we may one day live in paradise with
Him and our Father, Creator, God.
It is both horrible and wonderful. But Sunday is coming...

Linking With:

Feathered Nest Friday
Furniture Feature Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Flaunt it Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. I wonder if that sofa could be slip covered?My sofa in my living room is drop dead UGLY.I just recovered it with a slip cover from uglysofa.I will reveal my room in a few days.If you visit my blog you will see.They are potterybarn slip covers.But a fraction of the price.
    If you could use a slip cover you could paint the wood?

  2. Hmmm...
    I say I like the gray on the shelf. I also like the screws. If your going for hardware/ about getting some 'L' shaped brackets for fastening wood, and painting them (they come silver/stainless maybe?) you could paint them black or the color of your shelf would work too. Take out the screws and put one there and put the screws would just be ornamental. That is a thought.
    Onto the couch. First, let me say, 'Bad Dog'is it listening? Shake your finger at it, too, when you give it my message.
    Secondly... YAY! you got a new couch! I love it. I like the legs, feet, arms, corner details... ALL OF IT!
    I think it would look wonderful once you get the sewing and recovering finished. I say with it while after you upholster it (so you can get other things finished) ...then if you change your mind you can paint it. You'd have to use tape and plastic to cover it really well, so not to get paint on the fabric. But I'd live with it first. Make it easy on yourself. As the room starts to come together, you'll be able to envision which way you'll like it better.

    -like the furniture! both pieces. ~Pat

  3. I'd be very excited to find a sofa like that. I'd probably paint it and distress it. Good find! You are working hard!

  4. I think the grey shelf grounds the space. I love that chippy box. Nice wood details on the sofa. I think a neutral fabric would look great.

  5. I love the shelves and think either gray or white works. Love the details and the legs on the sofa; it has such potential. You could paint it gray and dry brush white over the details. (Years ago I had a black lab that ate a sofa. Nobody ever tells you that they are part goat.)

  6. I can see why you like it so much the wood and detail. Not to mention it is time for a new sofa. I like the aged patina... it give a character and story to the piece. Maybe a layered look whites, off white, creams, beiges, tans, and then brown.

  7. Hello Friend!!
    I like the shelf. Did the inspiration piece have a X in the back? Couldn't you do that with a few easy-to- apply wood strips? Color? Dark gray???
    Oh my. Your son's dog ate your sofa!!! I wouldn't paint the sofa yet. I knew she was a beauty hiding under those pillows. Check out Miss Mustard Seed. I think she has some tutorials on slip covers. I can already see it in my mind's eye.
    Happy Easter!

  8. Hey Revi-I like the gray actually, it looks good with all of the other accents and I think the white accents would get lost if it was all one color. Also, I think the ivy just needs a boost. I usually put a cup or block etc, under my pants to lift them up above the lip of my container. It just makes it look more purposeful.

    I would leave the wood as is and cover it in white . I think that would look amazing and I'd then have to offer you my first born in exchange!

    Have an amazing, rockin' Resurrrection Day, Lady!!

  9. Revi- I like the gray on the shelf! Can you believe I had that same shelf years ago, purchased from a yard sale (so now I know it was Ikea) and got rid of it. Now I am in need of a bookshelf and you have given me a great idea! I like the white and wood accents on it and of course...the Word if nothing else open to Psalm 91! I hope you have a wonderful Easter Sunday. He is Risen!! Blessings, Suzanne

  10. First time here, and you're adorably cute! LOVE your Bible verses..keeps it "real." Sorry you broke the milk glass bottle, oh dear.. Your wooden sofa is fabulous. I'm looking for an affordable one like it, too. So pray for me, and I'll pray you'll find another white milk glass bottle. XO
