
Sunday, March 18, 2012

This Week's Thrifty Treasures

Here's a little secret...I have a "thing" for lots of things.
One of them is vintage picnic baskets. 
Maybe I'll post about my collection sometime, 
but for today I'll show you my latest find for only 3 bucks.

Most of my others are natural wicker, but this one is red. 

Below is an embroidered piece someone never got around to framing or sewing.

It cost .50c. I think I'll make it into a pillow. 

Another .50c find was this little container of vintage beads...

I have a bead obsession. 
I take them apart and make jewelry with them. 

Keeping the .50c find thing going,
how about this little casette box?

I think it will be cute painted white or even aqua or red. 
It will most likely hold something besides cassettes.

I think this little thingy is supposed to hold mugs. 
I may try it as a necklace holder or something like that. 

Of course, it will be painted white. 

These will also be painted white - as cute as they are...

They were only .25c each. I have a couple of other miniature houses 
I just painted white a while back. They'll make a sweet little neighborhood.

My next things are already white. 
Nothing required except a little washing.

This is not old - but I like the sweet details on it. 

This niche is also sweet - this is about as sweet as I can comfortably go. 

I'll have a few details in my guest room that work with this. 
Now, I'm wondering what to put inside it...

Here are a couple more milk glass pieces. 
Can you guess what the piece on the left is?

Here's another hint:

Yep. It is a light globe. 
I'm going to keep collecting these milk glass things 
when I find them for .25 - .50c each. 

I have plans, you see. I want to make one of these:

See more of these totems by Jeanne Kelley 
at her Etsy shop!

Word for the Day:

Isaiah 33:5-6
5 The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high; 
   he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness. 
6 He will be the sure foundation for your times, 
   a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; 
   the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure.

May you find the best treasures along your path this week!

Linking With


Sunday’s Best
Creative Bloggers Party Hop
Nifty Thrifty Sunday

Metamorphosis Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!
Cowgirl Up
Tuesday’s Treasures

White Wednesday
Share the Love Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
Would You Buy It Wednesday

Suzy's House Party
Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
thrift’n on a thursday
Home and Garden Thursday

Potpourri Party
Inspiration Friday

Saturday Nite Special


  1. You found some good treasures again this weekend. Do you go to flea markets or yard sales? I'm too lazy to go to yard sales. I like to sleep in when I can.

  2. Wow! you have some great scores there! I am really jealous of that wicker picnic basket. That would go wonderfully in my collection! And that scalloped shelf box is gorgeous!

  3. Great finds! I love the picnic basket! Just found one myself and spray painted it bright red b/c it had a really cute plaid interior. I'm a huge thrifter too!

  4. You sure found some wonderful "pretties". Those are my kind of prices too!

    Have a wonderful week!

  5. I have to say you're a very good shopper I wish I were that good. Lately though I'm only thinking about my gardens. Thank you for your kind words and always popping by my blog.

    Enjoy your Sunday Evening!


  6. There's nothing like thrifting and all the treasures one can find. I just love it, makes my heart beat a bit faster. Your finds are eclectic and all so very cute. Love the milk glass globe and wish you luck on finding more pieces to build a lamp, pretty creative on your part. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best!

  7. I also collect vintage picnic baskets and am a wee bit envious of yours (and the sweet price!!)

  8. That picnic basket is amazing!!! Thanks so much for linking up to Cowgirl Up! Hope to see you again next week!
    The Ivy Cottage Blog

  9. Great items--I really love that plate!

  10. Great finds!

    ... Happy White Wednesday :)

    Greetings from Australia♥

  11. How fun! Hi, I'm Connie at, your new GF friend. Stop by and be my friend, too. If you love picnic baskets, I got lucky with a great find at a flee market. Posted at this link.

  12. What great finds! I especially like the plate, lovely! I'm a new follower and hope you'll visit and follow back. Would also like you to link your finds to my Frugal Treasures Tuesday party going on now.

  13. Just love the milk glass totem pole! Warm hugs, Esther

  14. These are wonderful finds! Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop!

  15. Love all your treasures; that pheasant design will be a pretty autumn pillow; my favorite is that picnic basket!

  16. I have a thing for vintage picnic baskets too.....great storage....I also have a thing for those really neat old suitcases...also great for storage....

  17. Hello,
    My newly wed daughter is collecting Milk Glass for her kitchen - so fun I adore it! Love all your finds - you did quite well! thank you for sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
