
Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Name is Revi, and I'm a Lampoholic...

At Thanksgiving, I had to move my stash of stuff from the guest room.
I moved it so my daughter could sleep there. 
As my son helped transport some things to the garage, 
he remarked, "This looks like a lamp graveyard." 
I surveyed the half dozen lamps waiting... 
for a coat of paint or a shade or whatever revision they might need.

 "They're going to be so cool, and I am going to use them,
 and they only cost a few dollars, and..." 
I'll spare you the rest. You know how it goes - 
the usual justifications for this addiction we share.

But, really.  

mean, REALLY.
What do you expect me to do 
when I see THIS?
And it only cost $4.94. 
AND this one didn't need a thing.

Except maybe a shade. WHICH I already had. 

I bought it at Target a few years ago on CLEARANCE.
And it's been waiting for the perfect lamp mate...

So you see, I was obligated. 
Yeah, that's right. Obligated. 
You know - to do the right thing.
 I mean, the world doesn't need 
another lonely lamp out there...

And it will be perfect for my son's house.
And won't HE regret that remark!

Word for the Day:

Matthew 5:15
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. 
Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 

Shine your light today!


Feathered Nest Friday
Fridays on Remodelaholic
Friday Redoux Link Party
Frugal Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Potpourri Party
Inspiration Friday
Flaunt it Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday


  1. Love your lamp, the shade is great with it! Thanks for the smiles! I understand all too well the "stuff" addiction. :-)

  2. Well of course it had to come home with you!! Too cute!

  3. Listen; a girl can never have too many lamps--hehe--me, too, love my lamps and can never pass up a great lamp with great bones to it. Love your style!

  4. I knew I could round up a support group here! Thanks, ladies! :)

  5. your lamp looks great, revi!

    my son complained about my treasures, but, when he moved out--he took most of it!

    have a great weekend!
