
Monday, February 13, 2012

Walking Toward the White - Before and After Photos

My friend Susan gave me this pretty footed bowl from Hobby Lobby. She used to keep a stash of dark chocolate in it. We decided we no longer need a stash of dark chocolate, so she gave me this nice large bowl. It was pretty, but didn't fit with my plan, so I decided to paint it white. I used the paint in the bottom of a can of off-white flat paint from my living room. Here's what it looked like before:

I was glad the gold decorative elements were recessed. Now after photos, with some white spheres in it:

Another item I recently painted white was this bird cage. It is a thrift store find that had yucky silk flowers inside it. I yanked them out before I even left the store.

Here it is in white, though I think it needs another coat:

I thought I had taken a before photo of this little metal urn, but I can't find it if I did. It was dark green. Now, it is a lovely shade of white!

Remember these little croquet balls I showed you last week? I found them in the shed in my own back yard. They had been painted black. If you look closely, you'll see them inside the footed bowl above!

Well, that is AFTER they've had a nice coat of white paint - more flat from my living room ingredients.

One of my blog friends thought I might leave them black, but like many of us, I sometimes feel like I walk around with a paint brush and anything is fair game! If Mason and his dog don't move out soon, I will not be responsible for my actions!

I love painting things white. Not only does it instantly unify non-related items, it makes them feel fresh and new - even the chippy, crusty things! They are renewed with a simple coat of paint.

2 Corinthians 4:15-17

15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

May your spirit feel renewed daily as you remember His mercies are new every morning!


Linking with:
Monday Metamorphosis Monday Making The World Cuter Monday Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Twice Owned Tuesday @ House of Grace
Wednesday Penny Pinching Party - What’s It Wednesday
Thursday Under $100 Link Party Suzy's House Party Transformation Thursday Share Awesomeness Thursday Thrifty Thursday - Thursday Favorite Things
Friday Fridays on Remodelaholic Friday Redoux Link Party Frugal Friday Frugalicious Friday
Saturday Saturday Nite Special Show and Tell Saturday 


  1. I agree - white does wonders for most objects. I love all of yours, but especially that footed urn, it's just so cute !!

  2. love all the white, revi! pretty bowl and the crochet balls look awesome:)

  3. Nice white Gastalt going on there! LOL Looks great...I love painting things white too. I've been known to go overboard! haha
    I hope you'll come link up at my Cowgirl Up! Linky party tonight or tomorrow!!

  4. I see you've been having fun. Everything looks very fresh. Major improvement on the bowl.

  5. You are getting closer and closer to your goal! Good work. : )

  6. Amazing what a bit of paint can do! So glad you liked my kitchen and commented so I could find you - new Linky follower!

  7. Everything looks better white. Love all your white goodies. They are gorgeous. I think my favorite is the bird cage.

  8. Loving all the white magic! Lookin' good!

  9. A bit of white paint can do wonders can't it?
    The bowl looks so much better...and I'm glad there was no chocolate in it in the pic, would've made me hungry!!
    I'm still addicted, I've switched to organic chocolate now. Yummo!!
    Your gestalt post was very interesting Revi, i enjoyed it! Thanks for the hard work you put in to it!!

  10. I'm with ya! I love painting stuff white and there are too many things in my house that are about to get painted. Great job.

  11. ohhh I have a silver bowl of croquet balls sitting on the table next to me... I never thought of painting them white. I love yours! t.xoxoxo

  12. I really enjoyed looking at the after photos, they all look fresh and pretty. You did a great job.

  13. Ok you are right the balls do look better white. Shoot it all looks better white. Why is it the white makes everything look so lush and rich.?
    I hope you are having a wonderful week,

  14. So pretty! I love the way a little bit of paint can freshen up anything. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I am "walking towards white" as well in my place. It's such a calming color and looks so clean when done right! I love the objects you painted for your new decor!!

  16. Love your painted objects and love the mix of the white spheres and the croquet balls look great in there. Everything looks so pretty. I have a large collection of croquet balls in old wooden bowls and baskets for the primitive look; don't think I could paint them, but I love yours. The time-worn look seems to tell a story.
    Blessings. Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures.

  17. Vety pretty and thanks for the scripture - very nice! Please come over as I am hosting my first linky - would love to have you share!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  18. You're not kidding, you are painting everything white. Thanks for joining cowgirl up and I hope to see you again next week.

  19. I really have not been into white, but I love everything you painted. I may have to rethink my color palette. Thanks!

  20. I think that verse was for me! I needed to read it, to help with a situation I've dealt with this week!

    Love your white painted pieces, especially the first planter/footed bowl. Beautiful!

    Coming to you from Potpourri Friday! :)

  21. Those pieces (and the verse!) are just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them with us this week at Inspiration Friday! :-)

  22. Your newest follower here:) Like you, I have recently started adding white in our home. I love the spheres and that urn, way nice. You did it justice. I look forward to hanging out around your blog:) Thank you for sharing.

  23. So much prettier in the white and neutrals! Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

  24. Hi Revi,
    I am so glad to "meet" you. I love your white unification. I am doing similar things around here. I think the footed bowl looks way better in white!


  25. Paint does renew and refresh, doesn't it? It certainly worked wonders on your thrifty finds. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. I hope you'll join the fun each week. Be sure to stop in tonight to see yourself featured!

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage
