
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Shopping Place #1 - The Thriftiest Place To Shop

You probably know the place I'm talking about. It is convenient and so very close to home. The prices can't be matched. You are sure to like the merchandise.

Have you guessed the place I'm talking about? It's your garage, or maybe your storage shed. It could be your attic or any other place you or previous tenants may have stored things. 

Most of us have found something very cool on the street. All of us have purchased something very cheaply that we couldn't use at the moment because it had great potential! Maybe it needed a little paint or repair work. We tucked it away and eventually forgot we had it. 

Before you begin to feel uneasy or a little guilty for not yet getting around to that stash of yours, know that I am not here to chastise you! 

Au contraire! I am here to remind you that you can go shopping without spending a cent! You can feel the thrill of finding a treasure all over again! On the down side, you might get a little dusty. Or you might have to wipe a few spider webs off something.

But when you're ready, it is there waiting for you to paint it, repair it, reinvent it and revise it into something you'll use and enjoy. 

I have a rickety little shed in my back yard. When I purchased my home, it got a new roof along with the house. (I was happy, since I got to choose the color!)When the roofer finished, he laughingly told me, "The roof is the best thing about this shed."  

He actually thought I might like to tear it down. He had no vision. I saw a future potting shed, a rustic cottage-type structure. I looked beyond the stacks of moldering magazines that had been there for decades. The roof was leaky, so you know how yucky that was! 

Since I had plenty of inside projects and I was working in the yard as well, the shed was put on the very back burner. I took a little time here and there to clear away junk and inspect it for potential. As I did, I ran across a few interesting things. 

There is an old crate with the bottom rotted out, and this little primitive wood box. 

It is full of debris - some rusty nails I'll keep for who knows what. Shards of broken glass from stained glass projects are mixed in with the nails and leaves. 

It might be a good project to sort through carefully while watching a Jane Austen flick.

I found some old door hardware and rusty metal pieces. 

There was a milk glass florist vase. There were pieces of a child-size croquet set. I love the old wooden balls. Someone had painted these black.(!!!???)

I'll most likely paint the balls white, but I don't have any ideas for the mallet heads. Any suggestions?

Shopping Place #2 is for another post!

Word for the Day:

Proverbs 15:6
The house of the righteous contains great treasure, but the income of the wicked brings them trouble.

May your house contain and reveal treasures you forgot you had!


Wednesday Penny Pinching Party - What’s It Wednesday
Friday Friday Redoux Link Party


  1. Oh I wish I could have been shopping with you in that shed you found a lot of great things. I would leave the balls the color they are just for contrast, they are way cool.

  2. Hi Tamela
    You are so right! I have way too much stuff around here... My friends and family refer to my sewing room as The Store. I forget that I have things and am thrilled to find them again. Digging thru your shed sounds fun!

  3. The Proverb is SO fitting! And you're right. There IS treasure in my "storehouse". Sometimes I just need to see it with fresh eyes!

    You've got some great ones here!

  4. I need to shop at your place! Neat stuff!!! ;P

  5. I believe you have inspired me to shop my garage today! Thanks! Great finds, can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  6. Wow, I wish your garage was nextdoor...I would just buy your stuff! We move too much so I purge more than I collect. We have nothing cool in our garage or attic. ha! But maybe I will start looking in our neighbors' spaces. : )

  7. Hi, just hopping by from Katherine's.
    Nice finds. Come visit me, I'm following you.

  8. Hi Revi! These are such wise words of wisdom. It inspires me to get out to the carport and unpack those bins I hurredily threw unfinished projects in when I was cleaning up for Christmas company. I saw your post over at "Potpurri Friday".

  9. A lovely post, perfect and inspiring. I shop in my basement a few times a month. I have quite a few things in totes.Thank you for linking up to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop linky party. Sending Happy Weekend Wishes! xo

  10. Those mallet heads would make great candlesticks grouped together.

  11. Like everyone else, I want to shop with you! Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday!
