
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Nice Glass of Milk

Well, not exactly a glass of milk... I must confess, I'm not much of a milk drinker. 

Lately, though, I have found myself attracted to milk glass. I only buy it when I find it for pennies. 

I have seen it for 5 or 6 bucks, but I don't touch it at that price. 

I gravitate to the pieces I find for 25c, 57c - you know I like a bargain!

Last fall, a young couple from my church were married. They had decorated their reception tables with sweet little vignettes of milk glass, old books and tea cups filled with white candies. It was lovely. Each was different than the others. 

Since that time, I've been grabbing it as I find it - as long as it's under a buck. 

You see, I have a lovely daughter who's almost 21. Before long, she might just have a need for a sizeable collection of sweet milk glass. 

Then again, I just might need some myself! You never know what God has planned...

If I do find myself in such a position, you'll be the third to know!

Word for the Day:

Numbers 13:27

They gave Moses this account: “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit.

Knick of Time  Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cowgirl Up!


White Wednesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
What’s it Wednesday
Would You Buy It Wednesday

Under $100 Link Party
Suzy's House Party
Thrifty Thursday
Thursday Favorite Things
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Thrift’n on a Thursday

Saturday Nite Special
Show and Tell Saturday


  1. Haha, this is awesome. the third to know? :)

    I have two daughters married already but, our youngest is almost 23 and the boyfriend and her have been looking at rings, nothing official but, we know it is coming. I love the idea of books and milkglass...lovely!!!!!

    oh, and thanks for the follow! :)

  2. You have some beautiful pieces here! Stop by and link up if you have time.

  3. Love it! I've been collecting from thrift store for the last few years too. Those little bowls with the open edges are some of my favorites, I've found them in several different sizes. Trying to find enough of the smaller ones to use as ice cream or sherbet cups!

  4. I like your new collection. I haven't thought about collecting milk glass, though, I am familar with it.
    Nice thoughts of the future.

  5. You have a nice little collection there, Tamala. I used to pick these pieces up at garage sales.

  6. I love milk glass, too, and it really is charming for special occasions! I have a milk glass punch bowl pretty with lemonade and sliced lemons in the summer, and pink punches for special occasions! Thanks for stopping by my sign re-do post, Revi!

  7. Beautiful, I love milk glass as well! I have some dishes holding q-tips & such in my bathroom. I thought dollars was a good deal til I saw you found pieces for cents!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  8. I keep thinking about buying this stuff also. I love how a group of milk glass looks. I just collect sooo many things already, but buying things under $1 sounds like a plan.

  9. Loved seeing your gorgeous you I have a number of pieces of milk glass and just love them...simple and elegant. Thank you for sharing. I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well on my blog at
    Hugs, Gayle.

  10. I love milk glass as well. My collection isn't very large but I do have a few pieces I've picked up from estate sales.

  11. Really like your milk glass, think it looks beautiful grouped together.

    Visiting from Time Travel Thursday. I'm a new follower.

  12. Great're a smart mama! Me and my mom did the same thing for my wedding (not milk glass, I mean collecting stuff for the decor) and it pays off!
    Thank you so much for linking this up to the "Cowgirl Up!" Linky party. I really appreciate your participation.


  13. I have started collecting milk glass as well. Great post!

  14. lovely collection, revi:)--and your old stool:)

  15. Thanks for stopping by and for your comments about the gold chair!

    I do love milk glass. Thanks for sharing.

    ~ robin

  16. Best wishes on your lovely collection:)

    My grandmother had a dish just like the one in your second photo except her's had a matching lid. She always kept some kind of hard candy in that dish. Makes me think of how much I miss her.

  17. Good morning milk glass and I have many of those exact items...also purchased mostly at tag pretty and so many uses...come on over, I just did an "all white" post...happy weekend, Mariaelena

  18. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday at Very Merry Vintage Style!
