
Monday, January 23, 2012

What Goes with White? this some new minimalist modern art piece?

What about this? Would it work in your all-white or neutral environment?

Do you recognize it yet? You've seen it before. Here's a little hint:

Remember now? This was a little freebie trunk/crate I got last summer. It had been faux painted years ago. 

I considered painting it white, or gray, since I wanted to use it in my house. Then it came to me: Antiqued Silver! It would work with my neutral palette and bring a little of the industrial vibe I find so appealing.

So, I got several shades of metallic silver paint - all different brands. I sprayed it all - including the painted hardware. I should have probably taken it all off and stripped it, but sometimes I can be a very impatient woman.

I just jumped in and started spraying. I wanted a worn-looking finish with the various paints - even using some gold here and there.

I just kept spraying and layering until I got something that was textural, but not splotchy. (Is that a word?)

To achieve an antique finish, I got out my walnut gel stain and started applying it with an old rag. 

While it was looking more antiqued, the gel stain didn't give quite as dramatic a look as I wanted. I got some oil based black paint and thinned it with some ebony stain. It was just the ticket!

It was looking sort of vintage-industrial. Just what I was going for! 

I thought it might make an interesting little table. It was too short as it was, and desperately needed some legs! I purchased some turned feet at the home improvement store, but they seemed a little small and delicate for the trunk. My son helped me out - he cut some 2x4 legs for it. I don't know if they will stay, but for now, it's more table-like. They're attached with wood screws, so they can be easily removed if I find better furniture legs for it later. So far, the cost to revise this trunk was about $2. I had the paint and stain already. The 2x4 cost less than $3, and I used about half of it. The screws cost under $2, and I only used 8 of them. 

So now, just as I'm finishing this silver trunk, I find out silver is out and gold is back in. - especially brass.

No worry. I'm not concerned with being "in style." I know what I like. I plan to use this in my white space, incorporating a variety of metallic finishes - silver, gold, rust, bronze and copper. 

I like being surrounded by sentimental things and natural materials.  I like eclectic and cozy. I like "real" art - even if it's bought in a thrift store. I prefer simple, clean lines and solid fabrics. I prefer painted furniture to wood, though a little wood is nice. I like "trendy items" that are easily changeable - like pillows and lamps. I like things that make you wonder where they've been...

Word for the Day:

Acts 3:6

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

May your trunk contain all the silver and gold you require, and may the things you treasure more than silver be with you always!


Linking with:
Monday Just something I whipped up Metamorphosis Monday Making The World Cuter Monday Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Wednesday - What’s It Wednesday
Thursday Under $100 Link Party Suzy's House Party Transformation Thursday Share Awesomeness Thursday Thrifty Thursday - Thursday Favorite Things
Friday Furniture Feature Friday Friday Redoux Link Party Frugal Friday Frugalicious Friday
Saturday Saturday Nite Special Show and Tell Saturday 


  1. Well you really had the creative juices flowing!!
    Turned out great Revi, and the legs look fine. It actually looks more gold than silver on my screen!

  2. You work like I work... use what you got and keep at it til it feels right. I can't wait to see more of your before and afters.

  3. You've done an awesome job on that trunk - I almost don't recognise it from the before and after shots - I love that antiqued effect. Well done you!!


  4. Very nice.
    I think it will look rich, when your finished with the space!


  5. Revi, You are so talented and creative! I love coming over to check out your blog! So much so that I happily awarded you the Liebster Award!! :) You deserve it!!!
    I hope you have a wonderful night,

  6. What a great transformation! You are so creative! I will be looking around my storage areas...for items I can add legs to...that is for sure!

  7. I love this post!!! (especially the scripture) I like metallics with white. Nice combination, I think!

  8. that turned out so cool! i love the metallics- it has a galvanized look to it!

  9. Love the new look for your trunk! I really like the layers you added! BTW....I am getting ready to bake my bread (with your recipe). Please say a prayer!

  10. Looks great, Revi.
    You're on your way!

  11. I love the finish! Well done. I can't believe you scored the trunk for 2 bucks!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving suggestions about my gallery wall!

  12. I love this! I would love if you would link this to my blog party this weekend. Hope you can join in!

  13. Hi Revi, I love it!!!And good for you for staying true to your own style. That's what makes our homes ours:) Have a beautiful weekend:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  14. Love the cute trunk, and on a stand no less! Lovely, you did a fine job!

  15. Just wanted you to know that I am taking on the bread challenge. And I also wanted to truly, truly thank you for the wonderful words on my blog!


  16. wow, the trunk looks really cool. i have not tried using metalic paint yet but really want to. i love the last paragraph about what your "style" and what you like. it is almost exactly what i like too!

  17. boy, oh, boy, do you have vision! i wasn't sure where you were headed with all that shimmer and shine but i LOVE the outcome. a white room will be perfect! hope we get to see it soon!

  18. Thank you for sharing your project at Potpourri Friday!

  19. So unique and pretty...I love the metallic finish!
