
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Mantel - Tarnished Silver, Greens, and Mercury Glass

Designs rarely happen exactly as I imagine them. This year, this statement is true to the MAX.

I had imagined having my home decorated inside and out the weekend after Thanksgiving, or maybe the following weekend. (SOOO didn't happen. Still happening.)

I had imagined a mostly white with metals again, and plenty of faux greenery. (I have used faux greenery for decades, and have been happy with it.) I also anticipated using small amounts of red. I love red. So far, that has not happened. 

I have added to my collection of faux greenery every year - Hobby Lobby after Christmas sales, garage sales, thrift store finds, etc. It is seriously overtaking my garage.

This year, I imagined arranging my growing collection of tarnished silver plate pieces and mercury glass across the mantel, and filling each of the containers with a faux mini tree. I was pretty excited about the idea!

But when I stepped back and took a look, it was just plain yucky to my eyes.

Too many faux trees. Yucky. It may have looked good with real trees, but the fake ones just sorta got me. In case you're wondering, the photo above is AFTER taking many of them away.

I have decided to ditch them altogether after this year. Yeah, I'm going to purge big-time. All the faux has gotta go.

I may keep the teeny-tiny ones...but the larger ones will be leaving. Same for the garland. 

See the sprigs of cedar above? It's real...cut from a tree in my front yard. It looks ever so much nicer than fake stuff.

As as long as I have a real tree or two from which I can clip low branches and bring something real into the room...why do I want a silly little tree like the ones above?  

I can just stick branches into pots if I want a "tree". 
I can even make my own fresh garland and wreaths. (Here goes the old imagination again. I have way more imagination than time.)

I've always had a real tree - until two years ago. Today, I was putting the fake one together and thinking about the number of fake things in my living room. I didn't like it. I've always been a bit of a snob about having things made from "real" materials - metal, stone, wood, glass, ceramic. I avoid plastic like the plague. WHY didn't I realize fake greenery is plastic? Why did it take so long to hit me, then hit me like a ton of fake bricks?

I rationalize. It's just me here, and putting a real tree into a stand is a two-people job. The fake ones take a while to "fluff" and stick fake branches into the fake trunk, but it's easily doable by one person. 

I can only imagine trying to do a real tree alone. It would be worse than installing my dishwasher.

Next year, I need to enlist a friend to help. Maybe I can return the favor at HER house. 

And next year, my goal is to do all fresh greens. (Never mind that in my semi-arid city they'll all be toast in a matter of days.)

Note to self: Google ways to prolong the life of fresh greenery. Pin them.

Word for the Day:
Luke 2:8-9
8 And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear.

Possibly Linking With


Sunday Show-off Link Party
Silver Pennies Sundays
Bouquet of Talent

Masterpiece Monday
Amaze Me Monday
Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday
Give Me the Goods Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspiration Exchange Linky Party
The Gathering Spot

Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday
Cottage Style Party
Centerpiece Wednesday Link Up Party

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why Thrift Stores are Like eHarmony - Christmas Edition

They were not what anyone would consider "couple material."

He was old school - classic, hard-working, yet possessing a certain style. He was no spring chicken, but still, he was a real catch. I was surprised to see him there.

He had learned that sometimes you just have to go where life leads you, even if it means losing a job you never imagined would end, and going somewhere new. 

Attitude is everything.

She, on the other hand, was a hot mess. She'd been a party girl, and life in the fast lane had taken it's toll. She'd been on the market before, and there were no takers. The sparkle that once made her seem exciting now somehow just looked cheap and tacky.

But, she had a kind heart. She was nothing if not flexible and she was open to something new.

You would never expect to find them at the same party. But, fate had brought them together at the same place and time. At first, they just chatted. Party talk. It was a tad awkward. 

Then, a bit of her old sparkle shone through, and the hard-working fellow was charmed. She made him smile. She was really quite funny. He need some fun and sparkle in his life.

So, he invited her to leave the party so they could really talk.
They shared a little about themselves. He was non-judgmental, and she liked that. She was impressed by his steadfast ways - she needed some stability in her life. They decided to meet again. They planned a real date for the next Sunday afternoon.

He had a hot shower, but otherwise he did nothing new. He decided the best thing was to be himself. If she didn't like him as himself, it wouldn't work anyway.

She, on the other hand, took the advice of a true friend. She decided it was high time for a makeover. A coat of copper metallic, and some silver on top of that, and she felt pretty; like a real lady. 

She still was the same sparkly girl on the inside, but she knew it was finally time to grow up. 

She relaxed. It felt right. Still, she was a bit nervous. She really liked this guy...and she hoped he might like her, too. What was the old saying, "opposites attract"?

She took one last check in the mirror when the door bell rang. She liked what she saw.

He had been a bit nervous, too. He wondered if they'd have anything in common, or if the chemistry he'd felt at the party would still be there.

Still, he was a gentleman. He would treat her to a nice evening, and if there was no chemistry, that would be the last time they'd see each other. At this point in his life, he was past wasting time if there was no real connection. 

When she answered the door, he was nearly speechless!
She looked more beautiful than he remembered, though he was not really sure why. He complimented her. 

She was pretty sure he liked the way she looked; his mouth sort of hung open for a millisecond...was that a good thing or a bad thing? 

The afternoon was really fun! Effortless. They felt like they had known each other for a long time. Could this be the beginning of something real?

Only time would tell. But for now, it was delightful. Before the afternoon ended, they had made plans to see each other again...maybe they would make dinner together. 

He told her he made a great beef stew, and she had a new trifle recipe she'd been waiting to try...

Word for the Day:
Luke 2:1-5
In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be registered, each to his own town. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, 
because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child.

Linking With


Sunday Show-off Link Party

Make it Pretty Monday
Mod Mix Monday

Vintage Inspiration Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday

Wow Us Wednesday
Blissfully White Wednesday
What’s it Wednesday

Thursday Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday

Feathered Nest Friday
Fabulously Creative Friday

Saturday Nite Special