
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lamp Cannibal

Yes-ladies and gentlemen, I am a lamp cannibal. Those were the words that came to mind as I took three light-fixtures into my living room, with plans to "re-work" them.

Exhibit #1 - a gift from Susan and Nolan. 

This lamp is relatively new, and much fancier than my home. It has an interesting base and central components, encased in a metal rope thing with metal tassels. While I won't use the lamp as a whole, I'm scavenging components from it for future use. I'll let you know when I figure out exactly what.

Exhibit #2 - a large 1970s lamp from Julie's garage sale.

Likewise, this lamp would never make the cut "as-is" in my home, but I could definitely see possibilities!

Pretty metal components - I can see them now painted in faux chalk paint...

How about the key? The good thing is that all the pieces are just stacked together and held by the center pole with nuts on the ends. You don't even really need tools to take them apart!

This part is garbage, but all the other parts are usable.

This is a different sort of "lamp." It was the center of a very large leaded glass light fixture. I began taking it apart at Julie's garage sale, and left the big glass dome that covered it with her. I just wanted the sweet brass chandelier thing from the center. 

Even though the candle covers were missing or just plain ratty-looking or broken, I love the simplicity of the form. 

I'm pretty sure I can find new covers, or fabricate them out of something. Otherwise, this needs nothing but a little screw-tightening and a cord. 

After my past couple of weekends moving furniture and mattresses and non-productive labor, I think I need some small-project instant gratification! 

I plan to up-cycle these lamps and make something useful and attractive from them. 

I'll be sure to photograph and post about the results!

Word for the Day:
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

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Monday, September 2, 2013

My Favorite Author

I love to read, and I always have a book going on my bedside table. But, for this post, I wanted to let you know about my very favorite author. AKA - Mom. 

As long as I can remember, she has had lots of ideas, and she just goes for them. She's fearless. (I was one of those kids who grew up with a visionary as a parent. I thought all moms were like this!)

She creates something where there was nothing. She has an interesting and varied resume, as you might imagine: Author/Publisher, Producer of Melodramas, Charter Member of one group or another - usually history-related. Event planner, Chamber of Commerce President, wife, mother, grandmother.

Her latest book, "Lonely Graves," was just published in July. It is a collection of three historical murders that made national headlines in the late 19th and early 20th century. They all happened in Texas Panhandle.

This book was a labor of love, and she's gotten rave reviews!

While she's the family "queen of facebook" with her page "Panhandle Tidbits," she's a relatively new blogger. (Mom, you REALLY need to post more often...) I've tried to tell her how amazing blogging can be, how great meeting people like you (at least virtually) can be, and she's still just devoted to facebook. (Mom, you can do BOTH!)

I'm really proud of her, so I wanted to share her accomplishment with you, since you're practically family, too. 

If you have a love for Texas history, or if you'd like to check out her blog or her facebook page, don't forget to tell her hello!

Word for the Day:
Exodus 20:12
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.